
Darly Chagas is a devote Catholic, a woman of a deep prayer, from Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil.

She receives regularly messages from Virgin Mary, Immaculate Conception; and sometimes from God the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

Some messages are directed specifically to Brazil, while others are for the world as a whole. Words of the Immaculate Heart of Our Heavenly Mother to Her sons that need to learn how to prepare well for the events that are coming.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Message of Our Lady - Mary, Full of Grace
The Birth of the New World - Words of Our Lady

February 15, 2009

Dear children, today, the day of the Lord, with much love and affection I bless you in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
United to the Trinity, together we will get the real peace in the world.

My children, My little children, the Holy Word of God reveals you today the time that Jesus was on earth, He had compassion on all who approached Him, those who felt the need to cure their illnesses, both physical as spiritual.

At that time the man who was infected by leprosy, was considered a person impure in his flesh and could not live among other people, was taken to isolated places getting separated from his families until was hosted by others who had mercy on him.

So My children, these lepers had faith that one day would be helped, they suffered in silence and waiting for the time of God.
So today I am helping you with the messages from Heaven, they give you clarity to your suffering on earth.

So today we will listen and try to find cures for the most terrible disease that strikes you, is the leprosy of sin. You can not cross your arms and let it grow on you and take you to death of soul which means separation from the love of God.

You had no peace in your lives, your conscience weigh to danger of crushing you, prisoners of guilt and this prosecution did not let you live in peace, because
while you were not justified, have not a vision greater than carnal vision.

This leprosy led mankind to walk in darkness, are the spiritual darkness, the darkness that made the man turn away from God, and did worship sin. The man who is in this situation, has a debt with the Divine Justice, he does not see the destruction that is causing himself.
The man when has a debt in currencies and can not rescue it, he is able to kill himself, is depressed and becomes rebel against God when is not able to get rid of debts.

But when man sins, he has a debt with God and this debt is that he does not seek to understand and thinks that God needs to receive anything, thinks that God did not ask if he wanted to exist.
My children, listen, the life that God gave to the creature is He, He is Life. So life is to be awarded, it is called there by the Will of God and
become part of the Love of God, is to remain united to Him in one body, in one spirit.

God does not ask anything to anyone, He is the Absolute Power, everything is submitted by His own Will. God never sinned, He did not love the sin, He is Love, only love. He is all good, all in light, all in peace and harmony.

So when man sins, turn away from God and rejects all the wealth for themselves, because everything good is in God. The man needs to redeem its debt with God, rather than sin, giving up to sin, repented of all blame and asking for forgiveness, asking Him for His compassion.

God is the one who knows to heal, He heals with forgiveness.
My children, you can not use the money to pay to God for your sins, He only wants your reparation and man will only know to repair, cultivating in him the faith, hope, charity, learning to follow the sign from God.
The Sign of God is the Holy Gospel and the Holy Eucharist; it is precise to love both.

Sin has brought to the world the disease, they are increasing so much that God sent Me to help you, if were not by God you would have not existed.
Who suffers with the diseases are the elderly and children.

Increase your faith, let’s ask God to come to your aid to cure the diseases of all. He is Good and Merciful and He sent Me to warn you, tell you that people still can be integrated, that you recognizing your errors shall be humiliated before Him and ask Him for forgiveness of your mistakes.

My children sin no more, so you will reach the cure.
I just want to help you, I am not your salvation, but I am His servant and Mother of the Savior of the world and this is what you have to understand,
the remedy that this Mother offers you is God.

I am the mother of all sinners and I see you suffering, I know what can heal you and teach you because I love you very much. You are the treasure that God gave Me.
I am the mother who has the grace of God to come from Heaven day and night to help you, I am your Mediatrix.

In order to arrive one day to Heaven, the distance is not much, just believe in God and believe that He gave you freedom; you can not lose it forever.
Liberation and purity, the free man is the one who obeys God, does not sin, does not step on the Grace of Life.

You must live the Heaven from here the earth, just leave the habit of sin and surrender more each day in the hands of God. All sins are cleared within the 10 Commandments, who obeys is happy, is full of God's grace. The Grace of God immunizes the man from the danger of hell, so everyone should get it.

Love God above all things, with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your spirit which God put in you, love your neighbor as yourself.
You shall not live in inequality, you are brothers, then give your hands, walk together with the head up, walk in the Light of God, seek together to be one person, all in God and He is in you because you can not live without Him.

Let Him heal you; to put the balm on your wounds.
Today the world forgets all this, so I am here to help you to restart, you can not give up of Heaven.
I am warning you, prepare, prepare, because now, in this time of danger, you will see on the land the same hell, with so many demons dragging you to the error to insult, to challenge the power of God.

You will see very soon a terrible war, you will see the Wrath of Nature that has been brutally injured and will be shaken to return to their abusers what they did to it. You will see the earth shake, you will see tsunamis and hurricanes, typhoons, cyclones, tornadoes, winds and more winds, diseases, famine and many children looking for the death because they did not want to hear Me and not strengthened, did not want to make reparation to offenses committed and now will suffer.

I am here to help you, repair, repair, repair, your hearts are suffering, turn to God.
I'm bringing you the oil and honey from Paradise to cure your diseases, believe and take it, do not despise the Grace that I bring you. The oil is to strengthen you.
And you Brazilians, I call for your conversion, Hurry up in your conversion, many storms will fall on Brazil, as in other countries, pray, pray.

Help each other and also help Me to crush the head of the snake that wants to deceive you. The serpent is symbolized in the 'Deadly Sins’; we will stop them in you sinners to get you to the true Peace. That is what I warn you now in this message of conversion. Reconcile with God, your life is in danger of death, renounce finally to sin.

Jesus Christ, My Divine Son, will cure your disease very soon, will set you free from all evil, hunger and wars. He will take you to the Father and the Father will give you the Heaven for eternity.
He, Jesus Christ, will perform His great and unforgettable Promise to you, the Salvation.

Who does not convert, will lose the Salvation, will have no more part with God.
Jesus is the one who will destroy all the devil’s plans and will return to you the happiness you lost when sin.

When Jesus put an end to the sin of the world, all converted will find eternal happiness.

For while you are still away from the Truth, are neither understanding nor seen the Truth, the error leaves the man blind.
But God knows how to seek those who are of Him and He will come very soon. Convert, convert.
Pray, pray, pray for the Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI, for all the Clergy, the religious men and women, for all humanity.

Pray for atheists and pagans, love the neighbor as yourself, the greatest danger is threatening you, the fire of hell.
Pray for the Holy Church founded by Jesus Christ, united will conquer all difficulties, help the Holy Father, the persecution from the beginning was difficult and will be even more now in this hour of great suffering.

You are the Church of Christ, yet you are also the part of church that make mistakes, because you are not pure, not saints, but will be purified, sanctified. With the coming of the Holy Spirit, everything will change, but have much to suffer.
When the Holy Spirit comes, rejoice, He will fill you with Grace.

Grow in Faith, in Hope and Charity.

The Power of God does not fail. You must ask the forgiveness of your sins against God, against nature, against the whole world, everything that harm with your sins.
I love you very much and cover you with My Mantle of Love.

You Brazilian will
pass great difficulties, have to start again your walk of life with your hands, God will take away all your possessions. Actually, you will not miss anything, because until now, you did not learn to look for what is really necessary to your lives, you will lose only what is not good for you. You will have the greatest wealth that is to learn to live only in the Divine Providence. God is everything and will not leave you without help.

Who has God has everything, does not need anything.
I bless you in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, the Mother of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world,

Mary, the Immaculate Conception.