The Birth of the New World - Words of Our Lady
May 16, 2009
Dear children, with much love and affection I come to bless you in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
United to the Trinity, together we will get the real peace for the world.
My children, the Holy Word of God speaks to you today about the great persecutions that the man will pass on earth, because Jesus Christ suffered to save you and you will pass the suffering because you did not value as you should the Salvation that He gave you pouring all His Blood on the Cross and all the Water from His Body.
That is why you are today being called with more urgency for conversion to know how to repair your sins and ask God for forgiveness.
I am happy to see My children taking this Call and today here you are praying, asking mercy for all people who exist in the world and many need more because they are not praying.
To meet you here in this house, where I was granted some time to talk to you and thank you because happy is the son who hears the voice of his Mother and soon to be close to Her to know what She wants.
What I wish is that all My children find time for God, to stop chasing illusions trying to get it and make it the satisfaction of his life. Illusion does not take anyone to heaven, it is misleading, it has the appearance of truth but is always a lie, it's something that wants to fill your hearts in the place that was created to be God's temple.
Most of the persecution that exists in the world is the devil, he is the inventor of the illusion and with it he seeks to deceive the man until he becomes his slave.
The devil always persecuted Jesus Christ and Me, after We, he began his pursuit against the sons of God. I am also a daughter, but he has no power over Me, he can not touch Me or want to fool with the imitation of My face because God does not allow it.
But, My children, I never committed any sin.
He will not overcome Me, My Immaculate Heart will triumph, is now triumphing because many children are already converting and when one converts, once again the devil is defeated.
Beware My children, he persecuted Jesus Christ, Jesus won, but ye sinners, ye are being enslaved by him because encourages you to continue sinning, sinning, sinning, sinning and sinning. You need to hear the advice that I bring you from Heaven and renounce to the power of the devil, this evil power that he uses to ruin you.
I am in the world today to announce to the children of God that is near the time of moving towards the Paradise and in Paradise does not enter a sinner, only enter the person who does not sin anymore. You must now not to commit more sins, you must watch your thoughts, do not give room for wickedness, bad judgments, the criticism of your brothers, remember the virtues that God planted inside of you and nurture them. Be prudent, patient, humble, kind, generous, good will to forgive those who offend you. Jesus Christ overcame all persecution and taught you, through the Holy Gospel, which you also win if you abide in Him forever. Do not attach to this world which do not know to forgive, can not love, not knowing how to be charitable, does not know God truly, a world that demands that God proves His existence.
God exists not because someone believes that He exists, He exists because He is God and nothing is above Him.
God has nothing to prove to the world, the world is the one that need to bear witness to its faith to God, because when the man has true faith, he will no longer challenges Him, he no longer will step on its happiness, because today the world step in happiness and forget what needs to be happy.
Man needs God is not God who needs man.
My children, keep well within your hearts that if you do not humble yourselves before God and ask Him for forgiveness of your sins, you will be unhappy forever.
This is what I come to reveal for your conversion and I ask you, be quiet, peaceful walk in meekness, God will not let you suffer long if you return, you will suffer only until you pass for your purification, Jesus Christ will soon quench your hunger your thirst, will cure the ills of the world will give you the true riches.
The Wealth of God is not like the world's wealth. In the world some are rich, others are poor, the Wealth of God is equal, it is wealth that fulfills all of His Love, Aliment, Peace and Justice. The Wealth of God is infinite, there is no need for competition, everyone will have wisdom, understanding will, God is the Eternal Aliment for all.
Pray My children, now all are poor, those who have more, these are still the poorest, because suddenly will lose everything and have not learned to live with little, not made sacrifices, and did not penance or fasting, always had everything. But God is Merciful, He is the loving Father Who knows, if the children convert, learn the detachment and learn to feed themselves from the Truth.
Truth saves, heals, liberates all children of God.
Pray, pray, pray for the Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI, for all the clergy, for the religious men and women, for all mankind.
Pray for the atheists and pagans, sons, awake and turn to God, there is not much time already.
Pray for the Holy Church founded by Jesus Christ, is nearing the time of the martyrdom of Christians, especially the Holy Father, help him with prayers, practice these things, this act of love by helping him to hold firm in his hands the Holy Eucharist, for the enemy will encourage those who open their hearts to serve him, to commit the great desecration.
My children pray more, to overthrow the evil plans that are within the Vatican. I love the Holy Father and I want all to help with Me. My army has the help of God.
I love you very much and cover you with My Mantle of Love. I ask to Brazil much calm to win the trials, I know that you have much to suffer, but I implore you, pray more, pray for all people.
Thanks to everyone and I want each to take My advice within the heart. Sow the messages, one day you shall see the fruit of your labor, you will be well blessed in Heaven.
Now I bless you in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, the Mother of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world,
Mary, the Immaculate Conception