
Darly Chagas is a devote Catholic, a woman of a deep prayer, from Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil.

She receives regularly messages from Virgin Mary, Immaculate Conception; and sometimes from God the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

Some messages are directed specifically to Brazil, while others are for the world as a whole. Words of the Immaculate Heart of Our Heavenly Mother to Her sons that need to learn how to prepare well for the events that are coming.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Message of Our Lady - Mary, Full of Grace
The Birth of the New World - Words of Our Lady

May 6, 2009

Feast of Our Lady of Fatima – 20th Aniversary of Apparitions to Darly

Dear children, with much love and affection I bless you in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
United to the Trinity, together we will get the real peace in the world.

My children, the Lord calls you, He wants to warn you that the time is now shorter, so you must rush you in your conversion.
We will continue our journey searching of Wisdom and all the Gifts because we have to win a battle and you My children, you need to put your lives in order, in the hearts, thoughts and help to your souls, remembering always that God is first . He is above anything.

The battle that every man needs to overcome is the great battle against Satan and his followers, the battle against evil. To beat them, you need to convert with more urgency.
When I say 'urgently', I warn you, because many are accomodated, are not confident that this time the messengers are at the same service of God, think they are many.

My children, they were called by God to serve Him in this' end of time for sin." God has put them to be My assistants. I am a woman dressed in sun, the sun is God, is that Sun of True Justice, I am the Ark of the Third Covenant that God made with His children, to send them the Holy Spirit before the return of Jesus Christ to the world. The Holy Spirit will come shortly to confirm those who go to Paradise.

I am the Mother of God, He, Jesus Christ, the Second Person of the Trinity, He will come after the descend of the Holy Spirit, only as ordered by God the Father. He will bring to the world the Kingdom of Peace, of Love and True Justice and His Kingdom will not end, will be for all eternity. He lives, He is the True King, He is God, the Lord. The King of the universe comes to reign in your hearts.

My children, He sent Me to help you in this hour of the more difficult battle for the man to win.
This battle is a battle of forces of good and evil, firearms are not used, or powerful bombs invented by man. The man was encouraged by the evil to invent such weapons, they challenged the Power of God.

You must only use the weapons in this battle that God gave you, the faith, hope, charity, the Holy Rosary, the perseverance in the Holy Church of Jesus Christ, prayer, penance, sacrifices and renunciations, remembering always that the sacrifice that pleases God is the Holy Eucharist. Feed your souls with the Body of God, the Bread of Life, the Holy Eucharist. Every day I bring you the Blessings of God, grow in your conversion.

Be strengthened, God is sending you strength because you are weak, not having as yourself, you need of God. He is the Major Strength that exists. Come to Him with more urgency.
The world is in a very difficult situation, much suffering, but God is purifying you, He allows the suffering to purify you. The man remembers more to God when is suffering.
If humanity does not pray, will not endure the time of tribulation.

The contempt of man to God is only increasing and this is attracting punishment and more punishment.

You little children must take seriously what God is talking, you should not reject His help through messengers chosen for this time of now, doing this, by not accepting them, you are running even more danger. The devil encourages you to reject them to keep you away from God and agreed to be ruled by evil.

The warning of God is for you to awaken to reality.

The danger is already knocking at the doors of the world, Prepare, stay alert, the demon is preparing traps around the children of God, to destroy them, he teaches man to offend God.
Those seeking to hear Me, I know they will win this battle. Who walk in righteousness will not be defeated by the forces of evil.
The punishment is too great, but is not God who punishes, God is love, is goodness and truth, is peace. What punisheth the world is the sum of all the sins it commits, is the return of the lack of obedience to God.

The consequence of sin in the world is able to destroy two thirds of humanity in a few seconds.

God is telling you, convert dear children, convert.
Are completing 20 years today that I give messages through My daughter Darly and many other messengers before and after she is already serving Me and the majority is indifferent. Nobody knows the time, but may be sudden and who did not converted yet, could lose more and lose the Heaven. In Heaven enter the converted. Convert, convert.

The prophets are people who God called to serve Him, He is calling all His children.
They cut the head of John the Baptist, who served God, but nobody can cut Mine, I am the Mother of God and My hands are on you to help you with the Force that the Holy Spirit pours on Me. Come on children, we will win.
My children, the appeal I make is that you do this, prepare, prepare.

Now I leave a word to you daughter, and to those who are still with Me and also to those who have not accepted Me yet, but they still come with the Force of the Power of God. I am your shelter, come all, I want to protect, do not do evil to anyone, keep this very well inside your hearts, I just love.

The planet earth, with everything that is over it, is dying, many suffering will come from now on. Only those who are with God will survive - He is calling you, come all to Him as soon as possible. Come with your hearts open.

This is what I reveal in this special message for your conversion.

Pray, pray, pray for the Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI, for all the Clergy, the religious men and women, for all the humanity.

Pray for atheists and pagans. Your help is very important to them.

Pray for the Holy Church founded by Jesus Christ, with given hands walk with Me, together we will win this battle. The Holy Father Pope is sorely in need of your prayers, the danger is threatening his mission, if he does not reach the end, will be worse for the world.

Stay firm in the Hands of God, you should not hesitate, stay firm in your faith, increase it more each day and also the hope of Salvation. Practice the charity without measures. Be aware that God loves you with true Love.

I love you very much and cover you with My Mantle of Love.

Prepare more, the danger is near. Brazil needs to pray more to win and give example to other countries.

Participate of the Holy Mass, stay in a state of grace to feed you more of the Holy Eucharist with the pure heart.

I ask to all perseverance in helping Me with your prayers.

You will receive many Graces if you are faithful soldiers of My army. Finally you will triumph with Me when the time comes where My Immaculate Heart will triumph.
Now I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, the Mother of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world,

Mary, the Immaculate Conception.