
Darly Chagas is a devote Catholic, a woman of a deep prayer, from Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil.

She receives regularly messages from Virgin Mary, Immaculate Conception; and sometimes from God the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

Some messages are directed specifically to Brazil, while others are for the world as a whole. Words of the Immaculate Heart of Our Heavenly Mother to Her sons that need to learn how to prepare well for the events that are coming.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

June 11, 2009

Message of Our Lady - Mary, Full of Grace
The Birth of the New World - Words of Our Lady

June 11, 2009 – Feast of Corpus Christi

Dear children, with much love and affection I come to bless you in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

United to the Holy Trinity, together we will get the real peace for the world.

My children, the Holy Word of God leads you today to think more about the great wealth that He has given you, you have received this award from Heaven, the Holy Eucharist is the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of My Divine Son, the only begotten Son, truth Son of God, the Savior of the world.

This is the sacrament of Love, the Sacrament which gives Eternal Life, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. The Holy Eucharist is our Covenant that God gave the world for the remission of all sin of His children, children who want to live forever, the converted and those still to convert.

Jesus Christ shed all His Blood and Water in His Body on the Cross for the redemption of the sins of the world and continues to bestow on all the altars of the world in His church where He hopes that all men will receive Him.

So My children, ye shall enhance the Rich Sacrament because you are in time to prepare for the great transformation of your life, while overcoming the final trials, be able to reach the Eternal Happiness.

It is approaching the arrival of the New Kingdom, when Jesus Christ will come again to the world for the Final Judgment.

But before Jesus Christ returns, His promises will be fulfilled,
the triumph of My Immaculate Heart and the Coming of the Holy Spirit.

Humanity is all contaminated, almost unrecoverable, even with only the promises of Jesus Christ is realizing that the dispersion will end.

God has given opportunities and more opportunities for the world to correct itself, but the world did not want, most of them had no fear of Him
now will regret it first and then to rebuild and return to Him.

The tests are coming and moaning will get everywhere,
those strengthened with the favors of the Holy Eucharist will win.

I am with My children, for so long, some feel called and came to know what I brought from heaven to the world and the rest was not moved, they did not know.

I brought the grace of a time for the man to hurry up in the conversion and and get closer to God because it came the time to end the pilgrimage on earth and begin to Life, Life in God alone, no longer stay in this time when you are still in materialism. God gave to the world the temporal things, they are not eternal, it was only for the man to decide for Eternal Life, rejecting the sin.

To improve the situation of your hearts, Jesus Christ sends the Holy Spirit
and you will be cured by a new baptism, the baptism in the Divine Fire, the Sacred Fire, that will purified you.

The Triumph of My Immaculate Heart is near, I'll be recognized and loved by all children who still do not recognize Me as Mother.

My little children, I'm here to help you in this time when many things are
happening to the world, much suffering, many wars, many diseases, changes in the nature, time also when the Holy Spirit will come, the discovery of true happiness.

Let’s meditate more about the warnings that are coming for you to seek and find within your heart a little place where you will build with much love, the temple of God.

The body should be a temple for the Holy Spirit, with your 'yes' to God, He comes and teaches you to do this temple.

Sin has to go out of your life, you need to find peace to live the true life in God.

Many children are removed from the Holy Eucharist because they do not detach from sin, time is running out and then you who are far away from this spiritual food, you will not endure temptations, because so far, you are weak.

Disasters are coming, try to think about it, God gave you all the warnings, you are not appreciating. Apart from epidemics, many diseases, also a strong depression reach the end of humanity in this time, you must pray more with the heart.

God calls you to Holy Communion, come, come hurry up, time is getting shorter day by day.

This is what I come to warn you in this message for all one day to come to the Eternal Happiness.

Pray, pray, pray for the Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI, for all the clergy, for all religious men and women, for all the mankind.

Pray for the atheists and pagans, they need a lot of your help also to get closer to God. Brotherly love makes great miracles. Pray with confidence and you will have it.

Pray for the Holy Church founded by Jesus Christ, unite increasingly in prayer to help the Holy Father, many difficulties will arise from now on, the weight of the cross he carries will increase, remain in a state of Grace. To all of you Christians I warn you, trust more that finally My Immaculate Heart will Triumph.

I love you very much and cover you with My Mantle of Love.

Stay alert, to the threat of war, they are not only threats, they can be realized, so you must pray with more faith, prayer can bring down the evil plans.

If these things still happen in the world is due to lack of effort of each human being to ask God for help.

If you do not ask help to Him, you do not value
the power of prayer, it is precise believe to receive.

You Brazilians are the people who have a little more good will to pray, you must always remind yourselves that you were given too much and you will be charged. Here in Brazil I, your Heavenly Mother, manifest more than in any other country and not all children are interested in knowing what I come to bring to the Brazilians. I bring more hope, more faith and to pray with you because ye are in great danger. The reason of My coming to the world is especially for you Brazilians. God will confirm everything that I reveal.

Pray for all the nations. Everyone will suffer much.

Now I bless you in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, the Mother of Jesus Christ the Savior of the world,

Mary, the Immaculate Conception.