The Advent of the New World - Words of Our Lady
time of fulfillment of the prophecies given to the world
Dear children, today, the day of the Lord, with much love and affection I come to bless you in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
United to the Holy Trinity, together we will seek the reap Peace for the world.
My children, God is waiting for you with open Arms, come you all, comes bringing a present for you all. You have a treasure to offer to Jesus Christ today, when He calls you, He invites you to conversion. The treasure is your heart full of repentance, get ready to receive His Blessings being sent to you every day, but you are silent, you are not having the courage to say to Him that you want His Blessing for Salvation of your souls.
Humble yourselves My children, take out the pride and seek where the Baby Jesus is, He came into the world to save you.
He is within your hearts, He wants to enrich you with His Grace, but you are unbelievers, you are not able to tell Him that you wish the Wealth He offers. He offers you Salvation, He wants to deliver you from the big suffering, but you are saying to Him, not with words, but with your bad habits, that you have no need of Him, no need for help, no need for forgiveness because everything that you do is wrong and you suppose that you are doing things right. You have lost track of what displeases God!
My children, your disobedience displeases Him, your disobedience leads many to lose their Salvation. It destroys your union with God, because He loves every sinner, but He does not love the sin.
Sin is a very big sadness that is in the world.
My children, come all, God has a place for everyone. Again I urge you strongly, you are beginning a year of difficult trials and to beat them, you will have to ask God for help, because what is coming into the world is a very strong thing, it is a time of purification. God wants your hearts clean, full of love for the life that He has given you.
My children, the Holy Word today shows you how the Power of God can move the stars of the sky, as He did it on the day that the three kings sought where Jesus was, the Promised Messiah by God the Father for the Salvation of all mankind.
That star that shone in the sky was the Sign that Jesus Christ Himself in His Divine nature, with His Light illuminated the paths through which the kings should come because it was there where He was waiting for them. They had faith, believed that the Sign was visible in the sky and they could not fail to take to the King of the universe, their gifts, were frankincense, gold and myrrh.
We were happy to receive them, for Me and Joseph was a great joy to see the courage of those men who walked so far to show their faith, their joy come to visit us. They faced difficulties along the way because they realized the intentions of Herod who wanted to kill Jesus because Herod knew Jesus jeopardized his throne, thought that Jesus would dethrone him.
As you have seen My children, it seemed to the world that Herod did not believe in a Power that was above him, while in fact he felt in his heart that God existed and He was there very close to dethrone him, then all the persecution was to defend his crown.
Herod gave up his happiness for the sake of power.
But God does not want power as the children think, He just wants to reign in the hearts, He wants to be King of every heart and He is the Winner. He did not come to compete reigns because He is the King who reigns forever over all that exists, He is also the King of kings.
My children, stay alert, entrust yourselves entirely to Jesus Christ, let Him to govern you, obey the Commandments. Love Him above all things, humble yourselves, stay happy because your life is out of danger if you just surrender yourselves entirely to Him without any attachment. Stay ready for when He comes will call you to account for your mistakes, stop, do not sin anymore, your situation is already very difficult, do not increase it more. What you have to present God is already very heavy. Now is just the Mercy of God to help you. It's no pleasant the time that you have left and your days will be of much suffering, but remember that you must wait in His Mercy and forgiveness.
Do not despair at any moment, when all seem to be impossible, remember that you are sons of God and for Him nothing is impossible. If you who are sons do not trust in your Father, you cannot expect His help.
This is what I come to reveal to you today for your conversion.
Pray, pray, pray for the Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI, for all the Clergy, for the religious men and women, for all mankind.
Pray for the atheists and pagans, since the time is coming when they will stop and recognize that only God can save them.
Pray for the Holy Church founded by Jesus Christ, stay alert, do vigils, do fasting, make sacrifices and penances, offer all that you do for God. Is approaching a time of many trials for all Christians.
Help the Holy Father the Pope to overcome persecution inside and outside of the Church, you cannot leave him alone with so many problems to solve in the rest of time left, lets pray together to help him, his time is already close for ending.
I love you very much and I cover you with My Mantle of Love.
Brazilians, Brazilians, your trials will begin, be perseverant by praying for all, even though for those who are in the mistakes of other religions, is already approaching the time when God will get them.
All nations, stay alert, painful things will come in time for all nations.
Now I bless you in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Divine Holy Spirit, the Mother of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world,
Mary, the Immaculate Conception.