
Darly Chagas is a devote Catholic, a woman of a deep prayer, from Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil.

She receives regularly messages from Virgin Mary, Immaculate Conception; and sometimes from God the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

Some messages are directed specifically to Brazil, while others are for the world as a whole. Words of the Immaculate Heart of Our Heavenly Mother to Her sons that need to learn how to prepare well for the events that are coming.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

August 18, 2012

Message of Our Lady - Mary Full of Grace
The Advent of the New World - Words of Our Lady

time of fulfillment of the prophecies given to the world
August 18, 2012

Dear children, with love and affection I come to bless you in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

United to the Holy Trinity, together we will get the real Peace for the world.

My children, I thank you once again for being fulfilling your mission to appear here in this place, to pray together for the world. I'm happy with this force you are doing to remain faithful to God in yourself, your prayers and all that you do to help Me.

My little children, the time is coming, the world is experiencing the waiting time of the revelation of secrets and is already reaching that moment when those who are halted, they will move, they will look at the Holy Church for consolation to their anxieties. Could they have softened the anguish, but pride prevented them to do so. You who are prepared,  that you are attentive, you shall be sought by them, to guide them because they will not have the peace of those who are with Me in this battle.

Now My children, you will understand that God called you long before the events. He wanted you become soldiers in My army that He formed to help Me. He made Me commander of this army and all the ones listed, will receive special gifts to win the battle of good against evil. We will win because God is with us and will never be defeated.

            Prepare children, since the beginning of all apparitions God's plan for you, who are soldiers of Jesus Christ and My soldiers, is overcome, it is fought without firearms because He taught you to pray. You will get the victory with prayers. You're already almost done, still pending the purification so you can get more spiritual knowledge and will not desert.

            You shall stand firm in your decision, we still have to look for many children.
God gave Me the grace to look to evangelicals, they will not hesitate, will come to My arms with joy and will love Me deeply. The Triumph of My Immaculate Heart will happen very soon.

            My children, the Holy Word of God reveals to you today a little bit on Jesus and the little children, I want to alert you to a very important thing. The citation is small, but the content is immense.

Look at little Jesus in My Arms, He is the Savior of the world, so little and already made hearts tremble in fear of being condemned.

            Look now for the little children and see that they are not to blame for losing the purity since they are little because adults do not respect, giving bad examples, this is a sin that will be corrected with a terrible punishment.

            What a man does in front of a little boy, attracts to him the danger of hell.

Poor little children, so little watching the cruelties, the malice, the nakedness, the lack of adult responsibility. Many parents and even ordinary people which means they are parents, have the courage to commit cowardice, murders, abortions, the most terrible thing against the innocents.

            Look now to Jesus Christ in My Arms again and see every little boy of these victims of such violence and remember that every time you do this to each of the little ones is to Jesus that you are doing.

            Therefore, if you want the love of Jesus Christ for you, try to see every one of them in My Arms and you ponder that one day you were little children, you grew and you turned adults, parents, teachers, guardians of children and you must love them as I love you, as a Mother and you as parents, as guardians, God will make accountable for this to everyone who did not fulfill his duty. Love the little children, be like them, be pure in heart and spirit, do not treat them with contempt, God does not want this from you.

Be first like them, they do not pass the limit that God gave them, are submissive; do not pass over God's orders.

My children, I hope that everyone who is listening, treat well the poor little children, if you want to enter Heaven one day soon, respect the little children, give them protection and God will reward you in Heaven.

            This is what I come to reveal today for your conversion.

Pray, pray, pray for the Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI, for all the Clergy, for the religious men and women, for all mankind.

Pray for the atheists and pagans.

Pray for the Holy Church founded by Jesus Christ, unity, prayer, sacrifice, penance and fasting to help find more souls for God.

Whoever can fast, do it, not only for him but for the whole world, because it is near the time of big suffering.

Help the Holy Father the Pope, much prayer is needed for the return of the people away. The Holy Church henceforth will have less faithful, but then they will return, is enough that God blows over them the wisdom and they will understand that there is only one Church and will return because they'll know they were deceived and now see that God marked His Church and She is the one that prevails.

            Let's get ready to cross the difficult path and then you will see shining in Heaven the Cross of Jesus Christ and then all will bend the knees on the ground and ask God for forgiveness and will no more doubt over God.

            I love you very much and I cover you with My Mantle of Love.

Brazilian, you are soldiers of Jesus Christ, do not touch your hand with fire guns. Your weapon is the Holy Rosary, everything will be solved with your perseverance in praying the Rosary and your commitment to the Holy Eucharist.

            All nations do the same and trust in the answer that God will give you.

Now I bless you in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, the Mother of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world.

            I appreciate your presence and wait for you in the next meeting. I know it is difficult for many, but remember that if it was easy, you would give no value. All what you are doing on this walk is for your salvation and the salvation of the world.
I wish you peace.

Mary, the Immaculate Conception.

            You must meditate on today's Holy Gospel: Mt.11, 25.

August 12, 2012

Message of Our Lady - Mary Full of Grace
The Advent of the New World - Words of Our Lady

time of fulfillment of the prophecies given to the world
August 12, 2012

Dear children, today, the day of the Lord, with much love and affection I come to bless you in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

United to the Holy Trinity, together we will seek the real Peace for the world.
My children, My little children, today you opened your hearts to hear the Call of God, rejoice because He performed wonders in the heart that receives Him with love.
The Holy Word of God warns you today about the food that you need to live forever.
The spiritual life is more than material life, because it is eternal and does not feed by earthly things. She feeds on God. But your body also needs this Food because there will come a day when it will also enter eternity, but this will only happen on the Judgment Day, that is why God blesses everything He gives for your feeding.
Every man needs also thank God for the daily food for the body as well, but you cannot exaggerate because gluttony is a big sin.
But, the Holy Word of God speaks to you today about the Holy Eucharist, Food for the soul, Food that saves, gives life. Rich in love, in faith, hope and charity.
This Food strengthens man, renews, teaches, helps, quenches spiritual desires and Jesus says very clearly: "I am the bread that came down from heaven." (John 6, 41). This is the wealth that remains for all time, "The grace of God upon you."
This Grace is the Grace of Salvation, because whoever eats this bread grows in life in God, learn to love, learn to be faithful, to be fair, to be good, to be merciful, humble and has the acceptance of everything that happens in his life, for God's love.
The man often thanks for the material food, but does not know to thank for the Holy Eucharist, because does not know the value of this Food.
This is the Sacrament of Love, without It you will not growth spiritually, that is why Jesus wanted to give you His own flesh and Blood as food, for you had life in Him and you will live forever.
This is also a day dedicated to fathers, to the family.
Being such a beautiful day on Sunday, those who love, choose this day to give special tributes.
We cannot forget that the Father of the fathers is the first to deserve being honored on this day because He created family fathers and many fathers are not fathers and do not know, do not know their children, do not care for them, do not participate of their life, pray for them that God to have pity on them and also give them a chance of reconciliation with their children and especially with God the Father.
I wish you all happiness and Eternal Life.
Remembering the teachings of Jesus Christ you must take your mission knowing that every human being is invited to be a disciple of Jesus Christ, be a little boy, adult or old, everyone should take evangelism seriously, no one can prohibit evangelization among men.
Therefore a father needs to be a good evangelist because he has a duty within the family, has to set an example of love you receive from God to pass it to their children and the children going out to walk through life taking what they learned, this cannot stop, it's like walking while taking what is good and giving up to what is not. Sin is not good. A father must teach the child that sin is a vile thing, is the worst thing that came into the world.
Sin destroyed all that can give good growth to man, but not because God has no strength against sin, but because if the man does not value freedom he received from God when he was created, he becomes a slave to sin by his own will and desists to live in God, dies and goes to hell. He idolizes sin and makes his choice to separate from God's Grace.
You, parents, teach your children not to give up in life, help them with your prayers asking the Light to the Divine Holy Spirit to teach them to give accurate advice.
Many parents desist because their children do not want to hear, but they have no force against the prayers, by praying, you will get faster than talking.
Prayer is immediately effective, it goes faster.
Families who are separated is by the lack of prayer, but is not good for a family to be enclosed in a unique circle because we all are a family.
Those who are well need to help those who are not. Sometimes a father and a mother with many children are too busy to help others, but it gets a lot of help with the prayers. The world needs to value the prayer, with them, they all improve simultaneously.
Please God all together, do not do evil to yourselves, love God and your brothers. Love your life, take care of them, feed them well with the Grace of Heaven.
Be all true disciples of God.
I am your Heavenly Mother, and I wish to you the fathers, you are My children, I wish you Peace, because all you need is Peace, with It you will overcome all the battles, those of vices, diseases, hungers and the big war that is about to start, and also the fear of disasters and problems of everyday life.
This is what I come to reveal today for your conversion.
Convert, convert, convert.
I appreciate the homage to Me today and you will receive many benefits for trusting in what I ask to God for you.

Pray, pray, pray for the Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI, for all the Clergy, for the religious men and women, for all mankind.
Pray for the atheists and pagans, help them to return to the Father.
Pray for the Holy Church founded by Jesus Christ. Unity and prayer, a close family pleases God and is more pleasing to God when you realize that you all are a Church, are one family, of unity and true love between you.
Help the Holy Father the Pope at this time close to many events in the world. It's time to pray with more faith to sustain the world standing in the middle of so many terrible events, mainly in families.
I love you very much and I cover you with My Mantle of Love.
Time passes but God does not pass, He is, always will be, yet unpleasant things will happen, God helps and He will show the world His Face very soon and everybody will see Him although if they are dead, He will raise them and they will know His Face and will live forever.
You Brazilians, pray more, the hour is serious for you and for the world. You are the people who pray and what the world needs is a lot of prayer.
All peoples, pray, pray, pray.
Now I bless you in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, the Mother of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world,

Mary, the Immaculate Conception.

You must meditate on today's Holy Gospel: John 6, 41-51.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

July 29, 2012

Message of Our Lady - Mary Full of Grace
The Advent of the New World - Words of Our Lady

time of fulfillment of the prophecies given to the world
July 29, 2012

Dear children, today, the day of the Lord, with much love and affection, I come to bless you in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

United to the Holy Trinity, together we will seek the Real Peace for the world.

My children, My little children, listen to the Advices of God, He today warns for you to leave that complacency where you are, you need to prepare to win, in that way you will not endure the oppression of events that will come to the world.

You're now about to go through your purification.

Through the prophecies you know that would be a time of big suffering and now you can see with your own eyes and in the media this stage of cruelty, of many disasters, accidents, diseases and worse, so many wars where so many men die being not ready to meet God.

The thirst is increasing in several regions, hunger, inequality, lack of resources, the world is in big danger.

The man has no respect for God, every day challenges Him and is claiming for a more severe punishment. The world is idolizing the disobedience. It is very, very far from God. The world is leaving God for later. He will see what left for the end and will have no more time to repair what he did and what he's doing yet.

Poor children! They do not realize that it is time to end all man's disobedience.

The hearts are dry, no love, no more brotherhood, only selfishness, attachment to material things and much disunity.

My children, wake up and see what you are doing with your soul, seek the help of God, He wants to help. Many say that He is only talking about disasters, terrible and sad things, the end of the world. My children, but I say this: you are waking up to reality, God does not fool anyone, He talks and what He wants is everyone to be happy.

It's time to look at the time now and understand what needs to change, improve, be happy. No one is happy without loving God. You have to walk in the light, to come out of darkness, all sin is darkness.

See how was the the passage of Jesus Christ on earth, He performed great miracles, giving examples of His Great Power.

The Holy Word today leads you to think of the danger in which the world is because is not appreciating the teachings of the Holy Gospel. It is necessary to learn how to get the right solutions for every moment spent in your life.

Faith comes first, Jesus Christ shows that His power will help in all what you need.

At that time, when He was visibly in the world, performed the miracle of the multiplication of the loaves and fishes feeding about five thousand people who were with Him, they were hungry and it was late. There were five loaves and two fishes, and there were still twelve baskets.

The love of Christ is much bigger than you can imagine.

My children, He left many examples in the mist of you, but most of mankind requires more to believe in God. Jesus Christ is God, He has Power and you need more urgently to believe in His Power that is endless, is eternal and He performs any miracle to help you in your conversion.

That is why you must straighten your behavior, detach from desobedience to God and humble yourselves asking the forgiveness of your sins and asking Him to help in this time so dangerous in which you are living, to free you from so much suffering already in the world and those who are coming. It is time to recognize, now more than at any other time, because this is the last time that God is giving you for your improvement.

Who defies God deserves only punishment and will have it.

God is just, He knows who deserves to be punished.

The world has already had examples of miracles and punishments, but does not believe as it should, despises God's Power.

The Plan of God takes everyone to Heaven, but most do force against God. Now the world will see the result of their challenges, who believes in God will be calmed and who does not believe, will fall into a despair so big that will not get stand. The man needs to have faith, believe in the Power of God, only He can make someone happy.

Today's man must wake up and straighten his life around, because anytime God will surprise humanity and who is not watching, will suffer more than you can imagine.

God will put an end to sin and man must decide whether or not wants the Salvation. Be attentive, there will be no other time for man to convert, is only now, and is ending.

Renounce what displeases God and be ready all of you who decided by God.

There are hours of big trials and time of your purification.

This is what I come to reveal today for your conversion, do not continue indifferent to God's call.

Nothing more can be done to prevent things coming. But you can still pray to remain calmed and not fall into despair, not to lose faith in God.

Pray, pray, pray for the Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI, for all the Clergy, for the religious men and women, for all mankind.

Pray for the atheists and pagans, help them to return to God and you will be rewarded.

Pray for the Holy Church founded by Jesus Christ, get closer to the Sacraments and live in fraternity.

Give hands to close your time on earth and begin a new life soon. Holding hands will be easier. Increase your hope in God. Only He can help you.

If the whole world would be praying, everything would be easier, but is little the part which prays, most do not want to see the reality. All you who are praying, you should seek help from the Divine Holy Spirit to enlighten you in this hour so difficult for the world.

Help to the Holy Father the Pope, he needs a lot of your prayers to complete his mission successfully. It is time to seek the lost sheep and bring them to the safe haven.

Brazilians, your hour is coming and it brings much suffering, only God can help you. You must increase your faith, hope, and not discourage, united will overcome any difficulty.

To all nations I advise, prepare for the time of purification, be with your hearts clean of all things displeasing to God.

Now I bless you in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit Divine, the Mother of Jesus Christ the Savior of the world,

Mary, the Immaculate Conception.

You must meditate on today's Holy Gospel: John 6, 1-15.