
Darly Chagas is a devote Catholic, a woman of a deep prayer, from Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil.

She receives regularly messages from Virgin Mary, Immaculate Conception; and sometimes from God the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

Some messages are directed specifically to Brazil, while others are for the world as a whole. Words of the Immaculate Heart of Our Heavenly Mother to Her sons that need to learn how to prepare well for the events that are coming.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

October 21, 2012

Message of Our Lady - Mary Full of Grace
The Advent of the New World - Words of Our Lady
time of fulfillment of the prophecies given to the world

October 21, 2012

Dear children, today, the day of the Lord, with much love and affection I come to bless you in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

United to the Holy Trinity, together we will find the real peace for the world.

My children, hurry up in your conversion, without it, you will not succeed in overcoming the difficulties that arise in front of you, day after day.

You do not understand the changes that occur in nature especially in your country, Brazil, where the seasons are going through deep changes.

The time will seem shorter now, and messages are ending in various places of the world.

But meanwhile, God sends Me to help you, I am bringing to all who want to hear the advice He gives you. I bring it to the hearts of everyone, but not everyone wants to receive God's help. God is preparing humanity to undergo purification before the return of His Divine Son Jesus Christ. He wants everyone to be meek and humble of heart, so all children need to be aware of the Warnings of Heaven.

You need to prepare by learning to change many things you do not know that are necessary for your spiritual growth. It is with prudence that accepting, you will know your mistakes and look strength in God to keep your faith.

So pay attention to what God speaks to you in every moment of your life, this is a special moment because it's what you can still doing, straighten your steps, returning to God.

In the Holy Word of today, you must meditate on the serfdom.

The man can serve God by giving value to the mission received from Him to walk in life building a world of peace, unity, fraternity, especially equality.

The servant of God is one who loves life, loves God above all things, with all your heart, with all your mind, with all your soul, love your neighbor as love yourself.

As you know, love improved everything and if the world is grievous is because it is not loving, is in the constant illusion.

The servant of God cares for the world, if everyone cares a bit, everything improves and what happens today is that there are very few servants. Man's mission is to walk in righteousness, giving the hands, because when God created man he did not want him to be just one, He meant that more men might be, then the fraternity is of great importance, individualism needs to end. Hand in hand is how you will be pleasing to God.

Today the world does not want unity, do not to respect each other, the man is elevating himself believing that does not need from God and neither of the brothers, they kill each other, they hurt each other and many would like that brothers do not exist.

All this led the world to passes now, in this time very close, for the correction. God wants to straighten your life.

My children be servants, servants of God, do not stay anxious wanting the first place in the world. The first place belongs only to God. You are sons, all are equal to Him that gives you everything.

Love each other, united in this hour when God is teaching you, He is showing you that alone, you are not protected of anything.

You are children of God, none more than the other, you are all equal to Him, none more than the other.

God is first, everything comes after Him, and in life what God teaches has value, detach from the pride, vanity, selfishness, be true brothers, your mission is to unite together each day more to get to Heaven.

Many men come to live thinking they are better, even better than God, so they think they do not need God's help, they need not worry with the soul, because do not believe they have souls, they think only in the body. Just live for the body and have contempt for the brother, are placed on a pedestal.

The body My children, is material, the content of your life is in the soul, the spirit, the heart, it is important you belong to God, it is He who created every man, He gives you the support that you need. People think that do not live if do not take care of the body, but they need to know they will not live if they lose the soul.

If you do not watch the soul will not live eternally.

Selfishness is a very serious sin, man needs the brother for the salvation of his soul. Is loving the brother that man lives happy. Be good companions, love each other, it's time to stay firm in the Hands of God, but also in those of your brothers, only then you will be deserving God's help.

Jesus Christ came into the world to teach you to love your life, and you did not want to learn, now the world is being prepared for His Second Coming, He comes to pick up those who learned what He taught.

Those who love the life received from God, in union with the brothers will be a healthy fruit to be picked, to dwell in Paradise.

Jesus Christ since He was little is the biggest of all the servants, He gave His own life for the brethren. He serves the Father saving brothers and all you can do something for your brothers, dedicate your prayers for the cure of each other not only for the body, but primarily spiritual healing.

Today the world is still so, if you have 10 people together, 2 think they are bigger and better than the eight leftover, they demonstrate superiority, they want to place the eight underfoot. Whoever does this is in the wrong path, you must all recognize that all are equal, all are children of God and need to live as He taught.

Be rich with love, be servants of God, be brothers.

God gives everything that you need, do His Will, Be good servants, be good missionaries, be good brothers.

You will have to pass through terrible times now, alone you will not overcome, you will fall and may not rise again.

Let's get ready to win more trials, things of nature, things that you're not knowing yet, but soon you will know.

Prepare correcting your mistakes and grow and increase your faith, your hope in God.

When Jesus Christ came into the world, He himself said He did not come to be served, but to serve Him, you serve to Him by saving souls.

Only God can save souls, but you can take better care of your souls to get to Heaven faster.

Jesus Christ died on the Cross for you, but He was resurrected by showing that death was defeated and you too can resurrect if you believe in Eternal Life.

God is Eternal, He is Life, nothing can stop God. If you would be together with Him, you would not die, you will live forever. Convert, convert.

This is what I come to reveal for your conversion.

Pray, pray, pray for the Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI, for all the Clergy, for the religious men and women, pray for all mankind.

Pray for the atheists and pagans, let’s all to overthrow the barriers that are enclosing you to lose Heaven. The danger is in every nation that is challenging the Power of God.

It is better that man recognize the existence of God, and if necessary suffer to recognize it. Let's pray for them. The punishment comes.

Pray for the Holy Church founded by Jesus Christ, stay united, the time will be more serious for the world. It is the duty of Christians to pray, you should help in the salvation of souls.

Help to the Holy Father the Pope, he knows that the time is coming and many people are still distant.

I love you very much and I cover as My Mantle of Love.

Brazil was the country that received more warnings, now cannot say they were not warned, there are coming many sufferings.

All nations be ready for the season of heavy rains and earthquakes. Who do not return to God will not endure what is coming to the world.

Now I bless you in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, the Mother of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world,

Mary, the Immaculate Conception.

You must meditate on today’s Holy Gospel: Mc. 10: 35-45.

Monday, January 7, 2013

October 20, 2012

Message of Our Lady - Mary Full of Grace
The Advent of the New World - Words of Our Lady
time of fulfillment of the prophecies given to the world

October 20, 2012

Dear children, with much love and affection I come to bless you in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

United to the Holy Trinity, together we will seek the real Peace for the world.

My children, I feel a great joy to meet you gathered here in prayer to bring peace to war-torn countries.

The Mother warns, increase your prayers for the victims that fall during an attack in Muslim countries.

If the world knew what is happening among those who have the courage to exterminate the whole nation, would stop to consider whether it is possible to avoid bloodshed, but few fight for peace. And to this few is that I, Mary, the Mother of all men, I ask you, do a little more effort with God, is very necessary for man to do your part for the love of the brethren.

Each prayer group extended around the world, you can still pray more to ease the suffering of many children who are bathed in his own blood in countries that do not truly believe in God.

Let's pray for My children, so that humanity is aware that war produces no fruit, only the ruin, is only an offense against God.

My little children, God wants to give you the Promised Land, you must prepare every day to deserve to know the Treasure He wants to give.

The world is far from God, is leading to terrible challenges, the Wrath of God and therefore a great punishment is coming to the world.

How long was I with you, especially in your country to teach you to live in harmony, devoting your precious time to God, praying, praising and worshiping Him because your country needs a lot of help, while countries at war, because a terrible event will whip your hearts. Before I taught you that you can still pray more, to soften what is coming, but few heeded the Call of God and is not possible to prevent since man prays with more faith only when something happens. Poor children! Now what you need is to learn to endure the difficult trials because so, the man opens the heart for God to enter.

The Holy Spirit is shining every day illuminating you and even animals are realizing that something is about to happen in your country and in many others, but most mocks the Grace that is upon you. Brazil will suffer a lot, but in the end will come the triumph of My Immaculate Heart and you will conquer.

My children, the Holy Word of God warns you today the big danger of sin. When Jesus was in the world before His Passion and Death, taught, taught and taught so many times to His disciples the importance of respect, love, faithfulness, commitment to life, but most do not value, many do not believe that offending the Holy Spirit is very serious and therefore a big punishment comes into the world.

Awake My children, get close to Him that you may be flooded with His Seven Gifts. You ought to thank every day for these Gifts that give you attributes. Man when receiving the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, makes great deeds.

Let’s ask the Holy Spirit to come quickly to purify the heart of all humanity.

When countries do wars is because do not seek God's Grace, prefer to act with his hands, causing not only the destruction of a country, but worse, disobey God and kill innocent children.

Let us pray more, it's time to devote more time to prayer to help prevent the deaths of so many people who still had time to convert and this did not happen. Who does not convert lost Heaven.

            My children, forgive Me for speaking today of so many sorrows, but if you could see with your own eyes what is happening in the Middle East, you would stay depressed and would ask more to God, with prayer, the Peace.

Do not let the enemy gain more space in the world, let us ask God to bestow His Grace upon all nations. We will do everything possible to break down the power of war.

Pray, this is what I come to reveal today for the conversion of all nations.

Pray, pray, pray for the Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI, for all the Clergy, for the religious men and women, for all mankind.

Pray for the atheists and pagans, the conversion time is running out. Help to the Holy Father the Pope to seek out those who are not yet converted.

Pray for the Holy Church founded by Jesus Christ, the unity and the will to help all people with prayers. A Hail Mary can cross oceans to get there where people are being protective shield for the senseless men that have no gratitude for life.

There comes a big punishment for countries who like to shed human blood.

Help to the Holy Father the Pope with more prayers, all Christians have the Grace of God to fight evil with prayer, courage is lacking most.

I love you very much and I cover you with My Mantle of Love.

To all the Brazilians I warn of the big storm approaching. Kindle blessed candles in this hour of danger and pray the rosary if possible.

To all nations, I warn you, it will not be easy from now on, be attentive to the dangers and look for the shelters before there is no more time.

Thank you for your tribute to My son John Paul II, I was very happy when you put his picture in the room, here is a sign that he was a great example. He is with you helping and one day soon you will see with your eyes what He does for the Faith... and the time is coming that the Faith... will improve.

I thank the presence of everybody today, because you helped Me a lot. One day you will see how it was good to meet you here to help your Mother carrying forward the commitment to pray for peace in every heart.

I bless you in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Divine Holy Spirit, the Mother of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world,

Mary, the Immaculate Conception.

You must meditate on today's Holy Gospel: Lk. 12: 8 - 12.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

October 14, 2012

Message of Our Lady - Mary Full of Grace
The Advent of the New World - Words of Our Lady
time of fulfillment of the prophecies given to the world
October 14, 2012

Dear children, today, the day of the Lord, with much love and affection I come to bless you in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Divine Holy Spirit.

United to the Holy Trinity, together we will seek the real Peace for the world.

My children, God's Holy Word today invites you to open your hearts to Him, to better understand the signals that are before you. Jesus Christ has given us a great Sign that is the Holy Gospel and you must find examples in every moment of your life, for you are not able to overcome the difficulties of everyday life.

Today He will talk about the renunciation of material things, are things that you must not cling to them because they are not eternal. God has given everything to live on earth for a while, then things are temporary, they are not more important than the Eternal, is necessary for each person to learn to live with what is temporary and what is eternal.

You must understand that your hearts are full of attachments to what you are doing that is sin, and sin enslaves.

Every day the world becomes disobedient to God, committing greed, selfishness, ingratitude, envy, contempt, vanity, falsehood, indifference, corruption, hatred, greed, and so many other things that are worse than all like a murder because of material things.

You need to return to reality, you have to be good, be simple, be humble, because these are the signs of God, man must learn every day of his life on earth, that God is more important than all that exists, and the man needs to hear His Teachings to live forever.

God wants everyone to learn not to hold on to the things that are temporaries, God wants all His children know to give each other, to be loving, for them to share with those who need more help with what they have.

The Father sent His Son into the world to teach what we all need to learn, but the world does not value and every day is enslaved by what is not God's Will.

The Holy Spirit is the Light that is always lit showing the world what does not please God, but man closes his eyes to see, because he cannot do otherwise than to disobey the will of God.

My children awake, now the time has become shorter, it is very close, and you do not perceive it because your hearts are full of illusions, are not willing to see reality. The world is on the threshold of a time when you will have to run into the Arms of the Father, and you can do nothing. The time is coming and you are not prepared.

Look My children, as Jesus Christ has given examples, suffered on earth to save you and you're not valuing the Salvation, because you prefer the darkness each day.

Stay on alert, it is still possible to straighten your steps, convert and thank God for all He does for you.

You must not let the desires of the flesh speak louder.

Value the spiritual life, which is eternal, does not pass, is holy, for those who remain in God. Seek happiness in God, besides Him there is no happiness.

Your souls are suffering under the weight of your conscience, all you need relief, cast out from your hearts all that is not pleasing to God.

Ask the Holy Spirit to fill your hearts with Peace and love. Who has the Peace and Love has everything, have God.

Remember that nothing is impossible for Him, trust in Him, increase your faith, believe, be pure and holy, that God exists and that He will not leave you abandoned. He is always taking care of all at the same time.

You heard that Jesus made a promise and fulfill what it promises, He is God. Jesus made a promise to the rich who spoke with Him that day, and this promise was not just for the rich, but for all who believe in Him.

He said: "Jesus looked at him with love and said," You lack one thing: go, sell what you possess and give to the poor, and you will have a treasure in Heaven. Then come and follow me.” (Mk 10, 21).

The sinner was sad and went home because he had to get rid of its wealth.

Jesus wanted everyone to understand how difficult it was to enter the kingdom of God, but made clear that only God can solve this situation, because for God there is no difficulty to save someone. He has the solutions to all problems. For the simple and humble there are milder conditions, but for the arrogant, stubborn, clung, there are the means to look for them.

God wants all to come into His Kingdom of love and true Justice. He calls, instructs, gives signs, gives messages, apparitions and visions, but there is still time for the decision, exist the most painful events that will make the return to Him most difficult, to the Lord.

So far everything has been given, are only missing the trials.

God has no problem to save those who He wants to save. The time is approaching when it will be crucial for the world.
Jesus also explained about the benefits they could receive, those who were faithful to Him carrying forward His Teachings from the Holy Gospel. Leave everything to follow God's will, is not easy, who does not get discouraged accomplish and knows he will be prosecuted to the time of death as the first faithful, but have the Salvation.

Jesus explained it all to those who decide to carry forward the invitation to Salvation to not get discouraged, everyone needs to help even to those who have more faith, to the Holy Father the Pope because the danger that exists in the world has not been banned. The danger is for all men who are alive, the worst danger for the world is the loss of faith.

Those who care for the soul, are attentive, but those who do not care, easily weaken and may not have more time to repent of what they do and ask God's forgiveness for sudden death. Nobody knows at what time will leave the world. You must have living faith.

This is what I come to reveal for your conversion. Convert, convert, we're almost at the end of messages to the world. Your walk will be harder from now on.

Pray, pray, pray for the Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI, for all the Clergy, for the religious men and women, for all mankind.

Pray for the atheists and pagans.

"This is the last moment for the world to decide what to do, believe it or not. Atheism and paganism are leading nations. That is why they are suffering more because of the consequences of their acts against God.

Atheism and paganism are not a small number, a little here, a little there, but it is growing in all nations, they are united against God defying and taunting, insulting. That's why I always come second to ask for prayer for their conversion.

Many more are provoking, most threatened countries Venezuela, Colombia, Spain, Germany, Russia, China, the Communist-dominated countries, but there are many who are crying out for a punishment from God. If God is warning the world is because He will send a harder time now, all countries need to prepare for what God says so.

God is warning about a coming time that will not be like the tomorrow that comes a day after another, but is a time unknown to you, because neither human science can explain it. But, the Science of God does, and It is announcing the purification of the world. They'll fall, all the Deadly Sins, God will remove all sin of the world. You who are atheists and pagans, you have no escape, where you were, God will be there looking for you.

Therefore, everyone needs a preparation. You who are Christians, prepare further for you cannot understand what is coming. What comes will not take any longer to arrive.

Pray also more now by the Holy Church founded by Jesus Christ, know how much God loves you and protects you from all dangers, but your faith is too weak to understand how great is the love of God for all that He created. Do not remain as Christians thinking that God must have more love for you, know that He wants all of His children with Him. But you valued it and give thanks for the Grace He gave you so far, you converted before the events and are receiving benefits now, before the others that have not been converted yet. You're already realizing the value of your life, this is a joy.

Be grateful you had this happiness now, to feel the Presence of God with you, but before be gracious to one another, so you will be showing your gratitude and your fraternity. Help with prayers to the Holy Father the Pope in the search for those who are far from God.

A good brother does not give up the other, fight for him, does everything for family union.

Be alert to the Signs of God, empty your hearts of useless things, lift them to God that He may flood them of wisdom in this hour so close to your purification.

Pray for your union, the danger is approaching.

Prayer collapses satanic plans, strengthens Christians.

The whole world is weak, thanks to the priests and the religious, the world is being flooded with prayers every day, but you can further increase the number of people praying if you invite all the little children also praying for Peace in the hearts.

Help to the Holy Father the Pope in this final hour, this year, so you can give God another stage in your efforts with success. You must not waver.

You can do a lot, if you were willing to help to keep the world stood still for a little longer. It does not matter how many days you have left, that they are of hope, trust and faith in the Grace of God, that you may know to show gratitude to your life repenting of your sins, asking God's forgiveness and repairing all you did wrong in your life, this means to be ready, at the disposition of the Mercy of God. Pray more for your purification and meritoriousness of holiness.

The Holy Spirit will come upon the world very soon. Prepare your hearts for the individual Judgment. Practice good deeds, pray for the sick, the prisoners, who are discriminated by the world, for the debtors, the addicted, the oppressed, neglected and finally abandoned, pray for those who suffer.

Christmas is arriving, live now straighten your hearts and celebrating the Birth of Jesus Christ with joy.

I love you very much and I cover you with My Mantle of Love.

Nothing can separate us from God, whoever he was, is still possible to return to Him.

Brazilians, time is shorter for your purification, but remember that your nation received more messages to be divulgated around the world, all for your spiritual growth. Although I was not well received by My children the Priests, but I wish now that all are willing to express your thoughts in My favor and help in the search for more children, who are far from the Church.

Come ahead, you are the bridge to Heaven, come all Priests and religious, we will fulfill our mission, the struggle for the unity of all peoples.

Now I bless you in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Divine Holy Spirit, the Mother of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world,

Mary, the Immaculate Conception.

You must meditate on today's Holy Gospel: LC.10:17-30.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

October 6, 2012

Message of Our Lady - Mary Full of Grace
The Advent of the New World - Words of Our Lady
time of fulfillment of the prophecies given to the world
October 6, 2012 - First Saturday

Dear children, with love and affection I come to bless you in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

United to the Holy Trinity, together we will seek the real Peace for the world.

My children, I feel a great joy to meet you here this evening to pray together, asking God to pour out upon all humanity His Mercy, especially today, to bring more souls to Heaven. Pray to God who is the Father who is the Son, who is the Holy Spirit, to alleviate the suffering of the poor souls in Purgatory who are waiting for the prayers to comfort everyone because they are there, that place so sad that is the Purgatory.

Thanks My children because you came to pray for them. I am the Mother of all souls that are there, thank you for your prayers.

My children, the Holy Word of God leads you today to meditate on the humility, simplicity and acceptance of your mission. Each of you must serve God with goodwill and as long as it is, you must do His Will so that you may carry forward the announcement of the New Kingdom.

Remember children, the world is on the threshold of big and terrible events, you must increase your faith and work with the heart, it means you have to do a difficult job and you need a lot of strength to win.

Do not make proud with the benefits that you can do right now for many suffering brethren. The man has an ability to magnify himself when does one thing for another. My children have pity, remember that you are servants of the Lord, He made you His instruments, just is enough for you to offer yourselves to Him and He will fill you with Gifts.

These Gifts are for working with them in the Lord's vineyard.

You can do it with goodwill, which is no reason for you to magnify yourselves, all have a duty to increase the work done for you do not know what is the value of them before God.
You are in a time of big danger, and the more you can do well, do it to make you feel good before God. Whoever crosses his arms and do nothing, will have nothing to receive in the Final Judgment.

It is the duty of every one to pray more now, because this is the time when the world will know the truth, all the illusions will fall, all that is evil in the world will fall and only goodness will prevail.

The world is being fed with dishonesty, every day is worthy of punishment from Heaven.

This is the time when you will see the saddest things happen, you will see that God warned you, that you did not worry about it, you did not prepare.

Prepare My children, God gave you power over those who want to destroy you, but you have to wait for the right time to do great things.

There comes a terrible event, you will have to extend your hands to each other because you will be affected at any time. Do not stay indifferent, be prepared, do not leave to believe in God for the end time, believe now.

Dear children, the messages are already coming to an end, be prepared, because you have learned what to do, you must do it now.

This is what I come to reveal in this message for conversion.

Then when My manifestations end is because then, then comes your purification.

Pray, pray, pray for the Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI, for all Clergy, for the religious men and women, for all mankind.

Pray for the atheists and pagans, your help is very important for them to return to God.

Pray for the Holy Church founded by Jesus Christ, lot of union and lot of prayer for your spiritual welfare.

Help to the Holy Father the Pope, you must all help because persecution will be stronger now than ever. You also will be pursued, but if your prayers were like lighted candles, you will conquer.

I love you very much and I cover you with My Mantle of Love.

I ask all Brazilians to pray more in this election day in the country, for not to be a day of sadness.

Prepare, many sorrows are about to happen this year, if the world does not stop to listen to the Will of God.

All nations prepared to survive major disasters. Pray, pray, pray.

Thank you for your presence and I hope your return in the other meeting if condition is there.

I bless you in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Divine Holy Spirit, the Mother of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world,

Mary, the Immaculate Conception.

I appreciate the presence of My son, who came from afar.
He made a walk of examples for you.

God is pleased with those who take the mission with courage.

My son has an important mission and God strengthen him every day for not to fail. I leave a special blessing to him.

For all I leave My Heart and I take care of yours,

I am your advocate

I am your Heavenly Mother.

You must meditate on today's Holy Gospel: Lk. 10:17 - 24.