
Darly Chagas is a devote Catholic, a woman of a deep prayer, from Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil.

She receives regularly messages from Virgin Mary, Immaculate Conception; and sometimes from God the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

Some messages are directed specifically to Brazil, while others are for the world as a whole. Words of the Immaculate Heart of Our Heavenly Mother to Her sons that need to learn how to prepare well for the events that are coming.

Monday, June 30, 2014

March 1, 2014

Message of Our Lady – Mary Full of Grace
The Advent of New Word – Words of Our Lady
The Last Time of Preparation for the Purification of Mankind


March 1, 2014 – First Saturday


Dear children, with much love and affection I come to bless you in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Divine Holy Spirit.

United to the Holy Trinity, let’s together to seek the real Peace for the world.

My little children, I feel great joy to be here with you on this day, to pray together in front of God Father, God Son, and God Holy Spirit. The Saints and Angels are present too, because the world needs of much help and as it is not ready to enter in Heaven, Heaven descends in its middle to teach how to seek Water in the Fountain of Life to quench the thirst.

The world needs to pray, pray, and pray to feel stronger in this hour that is approaching to walk up to Calvary.

We are here today to pray together for the souls of Purgatory, but we are going to divide with them this moment praying for those who are yet alive on earth, let’s to ask God Mercy for all mankind, especially for your country on these days offenses to God are multiplied, sons are on downtown center doing a demonstration of lack of respect to God, to little children, and to everyone who doesn’t approve carnival scandals. Go wants that all the sons comprehend that the hour for mankind is serious, is the hour near of a terrible worldwide catastrophe.

All people should be together now more than ever, asking Mercy to God for all nations.

I warn Brazilians, yet you haven’t seen so painful things, so difficult to understand, as painful as you will see now, very, very soon. Brazil is being a country that is receiving more Warnings from Heaven, is not without a motive, if God allows Me, I will talk one by one, because what is coming for the world and especially to Brazil is a terrible thing.

My little children, I your Celestial Mother, invite you to pray asking strength to God, courage, asking Light upon you.

My children, the Holy Word of God leads you today to meditate upon the word ‘acceptation’. This word is able to remove a mountain from its place to give free passage during the hour you will be scared, will be aimlessly, believing or not believing because when you are scared, doubt about God, doubt about your ability, doubt that if you had patience could defeat any problem.  

Jesus Christ advices you to behave like a little child in this moment you should revise the life of a little child and follow his example. When they are in fear of something, they do not face it, they run to their parent’s arms. In their arms they are with courage that are able to put the hand in a lion’s mouth.

God doesn’t want that you face dangers, He wants that you stand firm in His Hands, He wants that you leave Him protect you.

In this hour that is approaching for the world, you have Refuge waiting for you, is My Immaculate Heart, is inside It that you will be protected. Danger now is for the soul, because what is to happen in the world is a spiritual persecution to your souls, a persecution will lead you to lose faith if do not seek strength in God.

A rebellion happens when the world is tormented by wars, wars that cause ruin of great part of mankind, no matter how old is it, inside each creature there is a soul, a life that came from God, nothing can destroy a life, but man wanted to measure strength with God and will cause a great destruction and mass death.

My children, we are arriving to the final time of many sufferings, but trust that after that will come a time of Eternal Happiness. Take care of your souls.

This is what I come to reveal today for your conversion.

Pray, pray, pray for the two Holy Fathers the Popes, Benedict XVI and Benedict, for all the Clergy, for religious men and women, for all mankind.

Pray for atheists and pagans, are the last calls that God is doing them, this is why is your duty to pray for everybody everyday to bring them to reality.

Pray for the Holy Church founded by Jesus Christ, unity and prayer. If I stop to warn you about unity, even this little group of prayer would be divided. If you could see yet what this group of prayer is performing in the world, you would be presumptuous and would lose the glamour. But, when you are healed from the wound provoked by sin to man, you will see and will rejoice with humility, therefore, trust and continue.

Help the Holy Fathers the Popes, to help you to be perseverant I come to pray with you in the entire world.

One day you will harvest beautiful fruits from your work.

I love you very much and cover you with My Mantle of Love.

I leave to all of you My gratefulness of your presence to fulfill with your duty of help, not only to save your souls, but also to all mankind. You are faithful soldiers, no matter is there is sun or rain you are always fulfilling your duty of coming to help to take souls from Purgatory and take them to Heaven.

Thanks My daughter…you are a daughter who help Me much, you have received graces for the family and for you and your husband. I am happy to enter in your home to pray together. Pass through your hands Graces of God for the world. You are not better than anyone, but your love for Us in Heaven pleases God, be always happy with the Grace of God. 

To everybody I leave My Heart, I love you much, much, you cannot measure My love for you, but can feel the great joy that My Divine Son gives in gratefulness to your faith, your love is considerate Me your Mother, because this is the joy that you give Him, be happy in being My children as He is.

All nations, take and keep in your hearts this act of My gratefulness to you all that welcomed Me as your Celestial Mother.

Now I bless you in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Divine Holy Spirit, the Mother of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world,


Mary, the Immaculate Conception.



You shall meditate in the Holy Gospel today: Marcus 10: 13 – 16.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

February 25, 2012




February 25, 2014


The Light of God covered me and I listened His Voice. He tells me:

Little daughter, listen My Voice, plant inside your heart the Teachings I give you, then sow in the world. I am God, I am Light of the world, I am Light that never ends. Open your heart and do My Will, I will fill you with My Holy Spirit.

You know I made you prophet for this time of warning to the world. A day very near, everybody will be face to face with Me, to pay accounts of day lived on earth. Those who are in bad situation, should procure to improve as soon as possible because My Manifestation to the world will be suddenly, there will be no time in that day to repair errors.

Beside the request of forgiveness of sins, it is necessary reparation of all of them.

You daughter, has anything to afraid to prophesy what I command, nobody can impede it because I have called you and give you protection. Be faithful to fulfill your duty and will be blessed in Heaven.

My Lord and My God, Light of the world, illuminate us at each second of our life, we ask You. You that purify our hearts, attend our pleas, give us forgiveness of our sins and help us illuminating us for us to see opportunities of reparation of our guilt. Show us the traps that are prepared for keep us prisoners of sin. Give us faith, hope, goodwill, to practice charity. Clarify our lives, strengthen us.

Divine Holy Spirit, forgive my sins, forgive the sins of all of us sinners of the word and protect us of all evil that can impact us. You that are Comforter, comfort us, give us strength to forgive our enemies and also to forgive ourselves.

I love thee, adore thee, praise Thee, bless and glorify Thee, I give thanks to You for Your immense Glory, in the Three Persons of the Holy Trinity, Father, Son, and the Divine Holy Spirit.

Little daughter, I am forgiveness and give Myself to you each time you have courage to ask Me forgiveness of your sins.

Come always and tell Me all you cannot understand.

I am who gives you Gifts that you need to understand what you cannot understand. Don’t think I do not listen to you. Yet you have no understanding because I have no purified the world, but when that day arrives, everybody will understand more than you can imagine.

I am going to pour upon the world much more knowledge.

My Lord and my God, deliver the world from darkness, burn the sin in the world, give us joy of Your Presence along with each one of us. Give us intelligence to understand, when someone prepares traps for us sinners.

Protect us Divine Light, deliver the evildoers, deliver us from illnesses, from hunger, from thirst, from wars.

Be our shield, our total protection.

Little daughter, trust in My Love for you, learn each day more to live in humility and simplicity. When more lighter is the conscience of each person, more intelligence develops. The person which uses intelligence to do well, receives more benefits for her sanctification in the last day, but whoever uses intelligence to do evil, this will receive a great punishment and will stay in darkness of the three days reserved to punish the most rebels.  

My Lord and my God, purify us, give us Your Seven Gifts for our improvement, our spiritual growth.

You know that we have not so much knowledge because we sin, lose meritoriousness. But, You are good and at the same time You have given a little and we thank You.

Little daughter, you know that even giving you a little time for the meritoriousness, most part tramples on this little and do not worry to make anything to improve the meritoriousness. This part uses the Gifts I give to do evil. Whoever tramples on the Gifts I give them, is staining the soul, is changing Heaven for Hell. They are who kill innocents and any person, those that with cunning take possession of what is the other, those who despise life, those who do not convert and especially scientists who defy the Power of Heaven. But, now they will know the result of their challenges.

My Lord and my God, Light of Divine Love, that lights in our hearts for we can grow in wisdom and renounce to what the demon offers us, descend upon all us purifying and sanctifying for not lose the Paradise.

Give us courage and strength to pray more for the sick, for prisoners, for all vicious, for they to renew hope and don’t give up, may they wait in Your help.           

Little daughter, I want you do a little prayer for them.

My Lord, and my God, fill me with Your Spirit. You are Light, transform my spirit, my heart, for my prayer brings fruits for those who suffer in hospitals, in homes, on the streets, in sanatoriums, in prisons, those who are in vices, those who are in loneliness.

Come Divine Holy Spirit, descend upon me and upon all who pray for them.


“My Lord and my God, accept my prayers which I am doing for all my brothers who suffer and are waiting Your Graces, for they have better days. I also unite with them because all of us in the world, are sick and needing Your Goodness to cure our problems.

Oh Lord, how sad is to know that many problems get worse by lack of faith in hearts, come Lord, warm these hearts for they grow in faith and know to seek help in You. Come Divine Holy Spirit with Your Sacred Heart and burn impurities that cause many sadness in the world.

God of goodness, of mercy, help Your children, don’t let that Your children stay away from You.

Come Divine Light, lights inside me for I find to pray always for all persons You want me to pray for.

I adore Thee Divine Light with all strength that exists on me.”

(1 Creed, 1 Our Father, 1 Hail Mary, 1 Glory)

Little daughter, your prayer pleases Me, continue praying for everybody happiness and yours too. If everybody prays, the world will improve faster.

Now I will give a vision which you will keep in your heart, but remember that the world needs a lot of strength and courage to defeat the fear everybody has to pray each day more with the heart.

My Lord and my God, strengthen me to know the vision You are going to give me. I am afraid, have mercy on me.

Lord, it was so sad, have mercy on us.

Little daughter, I prepared you to see, think now in those who are not prepared and pray more for them.

Now I want that you prophesy to Jerusalem, My Church, My people. There are few messages that I will give your to transmit, it is coming the hour to close.

My Lord and my God, I am all Yours, make of me what is necessary for You, I will prophesize, with a painful heart to think that we are not prepared for sufferings and they are coming. Help us my Lord, help us.

I will prophesize, take my life in Your Hands.

The Prophecy:

“Jerusalem, Jerusalem, here you have another prophecy for you, stand up, stay up, your God calls, I am the Divine Holy Spirit and warn you: A time of many tempests is coming for the world. They will come with strong winds for nations.

You are My Church, My people, I advise you take refuge in the Immaculate Heart of Mary, My Wife.

She is Mother of Church, I chose Her to be Refuge.

There is no safer place for refuge, I myself gave this refuge to those who convert.

Hurry up Jerusalem, time is no shorter.

It is coming the hour of harvest, fruits are not mature yet. I am going to warm the earth for what has to mature, matures.  

I am Light of the world. I am the Divine Holy Spirit. I am Peace.”


Little daughter, take this warning to the world, don’t be afraid, I take care of what is Mine.

Now I bless you and bless you all.


I am God, I am who I am, I am the Divine Holy Spirit.  


Monday, June 16, 2014

February 23, 2014

Message of Our Lady – Mary Full of Grace
The Advent of New Word – Words of Our Lady
The Last Time of Preparation for the Purification of Mankind
February 23, 2014
Dear children, with much love and affection I come to bless you in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Divine Holy Spirit.
United to the Holy Trinity, together we will seek the real Peace for the world.
My little children, stop your heart to listen the Will of God. Many times you have perceiving that something new is happening inside them, but continue walking in wrong way.
You are indifferent, dry, cold, are not giving importance to this special moment that is most valuable, because is a moment that God is giving so many warnings, He is warning about your Salvation.  
God speaks, listen to Him with open heart, is not enough to know what He wants from you, is necessary put into practice what you are learning, you cannot permit that your hearts become deposit left to oblivion, all what God teaches is for your Salvation.
Every day put into practice His Teachings to all sinners.
God planted in your hearts the love and you shall cultivate them to have for harvest, but who cultivate it will harvest the fruit of Salvation.
Convert My children, convert, there is coming a great suffering for the world.
My children, the Holy Word of God leads you today to meditate about danger of vengeance, many children run this danger.
Remember children that God doesn’t love the sin, doesn’t accept it, this is why I tell you, who is attached to sin, who likes revenge, is very wrong, run the risk of not find to get rid of great punishment. Whoever revenges offenses received, revenges with hate stronger this is why ends harming himself. God does not accept disobedience.
He is going to end with sin in the world.
No one can change the mind of God, whoever disobeys only loses. It is better to obey Him.
You shall not abandon your souls, you are leaving for last hour, you don’t know when it will be, it will be suddenly.
God does not allow anybody to do justice with its own hands, is necessary each son learn to forgive offenses received, no one stay without being corrected. Whoever thinks that is not being seeing when are doing evil things, is deceived, God sees all and will not leave evildoers without correction.
Whoever does not want learn to love, will be corrected with many sufferings, mainly whoever is vindictive. It is necessary learn to love urgently to reach Heaven.
It is approaching the hour of great sufferings, what is better now is only to take care of soul, prepare the heart and walk in Light, is necessary to come out of darkness that are your sins.
Each day you shall improve your attitudes, forgiving offenses received. Love to whom loves you is easy what is most difficult is to love those who do not love you and persecute you. This is why you shall forgive without measure.
Meditate upon the Love of God for you, nobody loves as God loves because He never sinned, He is Creator of all things, you are sinner creatures, but you can still learn to sin no more and never to raise your hands against your brothers, so you will receive Grace of God, forgiving one to each other. God is love, is life, don’t stay desperate with offenses received, trust in God’s help. He is demonstrating how the world is today, persons pass hours planning how to take revenge of offenses received and end up ruining their own life, because continue with a decision of vengeance and even more, attack persons who are not the ones they want revenge. So each day is staying more terrible the situation of sinners.  
Despair of revenge is a great danger, it takes the man to darkness and they do not know how to return to God.
If you are sad with someone who caused sufferings to you, seek help in God, He knows to correct each son, without losing anyone. You shall trust Him, you know that He is Father of all of you, He will not leave one to trample on the other, He knows to correct your errors without harm or kill no one. He just loves, corrects with love. Even the sufferings He allows them for your sanctification. God purifies everybody who converts.
Children are joy for the Father, are joy for those who are parents too, even when a son disappoints their parents on earth, parents have no right to revenge.
Parents are sons too, every son needs to follow good examples from parents, even them who are sons too.
Today there are good sons, they are examples even to their own parents. Sons should not follow bad examples of their parents, those who are irresponsible. Good sons do not desist from their parents at any moment, take care of them, they learned with God, not with the world. So many sons are advisers of their own parents, they bring their parents out from darkness to the Light. God gives these sons of His Light, to seek their parents and bring them again to society. These sons learned to love and became apostles of Jesus Christ, so they are always doing well not only to their parents, but to other persons and are repairing their sins, diminishing so the time of passage in Purgatory.
I congratulate those sons who seek their parents in the mud and help them to clean, to be good parents again and to live together till the last day of life on earth.
See My children, everybody needs from parents and parents need from sons too. This is the unity that God wants from families, do this urgently, there is coming for the world a great and terrible suffering. God calls also to little children to prayer, their prayer is important.
This is what I come to reveal today for your conversion. Convert, convert, before terrible events come.
Pray, pray, pray for the two Holy Fathers the Popes, Benedict XVI and Francis, for all the Clergy, for religious men and woman, for all mankind.
Pray for atheists and pagans, is your duty help to recover them, is not obligatory, but whoever prays for their conversion, will receive a reward from Heaven. All you do obliged has no value, only the love has value. Prayer is an act of love. It is praying that your hearts open to deserve the grace of God. Whoever has compassion fights for their brothers that are atheists and pagans. It is necessary that everybody return their hearts to God.
Pray for the Holy Church founded by Jesus Christ. Unity, prayer, faith, hope, charity. Be good My children, prepare, sufferings that are coming for the world will be great. The blood is being shed in all countries, each day more terrible things happen, even though all countries are forgetting that God sees everything.
Pay attention, each day you can improve more your hearts, you can recommence a new time. Seek My children, happiness, is repairing what you have done wrong that will find to improve your interior appearance. Man without faith does not improve anything. You are in a time of much danger, at any moment you will be surprised by more difficult situations that you have spent so far.
Praying you are strengthening, there is no advance wanting to hide the truth, the world challenged the Power of God, now shall to recognize its errors before is too late.
Help the Holy Fathers the Popes with your prayers. They need your help of prayer. This is a very serious time, blood is being shed in the world. Now is going to increase more because man is despising the life, is trampling on Commandments of God. Now he has to recognize his error, only so will survive.
I love you very much and cover you with My Mantle of Love.
Brazilians, pray, pray, there is coming, very soon a great and terrible time of suffering, cultivate faith that God planted in you, keep hope in God and you will endure everything.
All nations, do the same, the world is in great difficulty, felt in a deep trap, now needs more help from God to come out of it. Pray, pray, pray.
Now I bless you in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Divine Holy Spirit, the Mother of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world.
Mary, the Immaculate Conception.
You shall meditate in the Holy Gospel today: Mt. 5: 38 – 48.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

February 19, 2014

Message of Our Lady – Mary Full of Grace

The Advent of New Word – Words of Our Lady

The Last Time of Preparation for the Purification of Mankind



February 19, 2014


In this beautiful morning the Lord comes to feed you with His Holy Word for you to have Life Eternally.


The Word of God is in the world, in the midst of mankind, since beginning of His creation. Is instructing to make her holy and saint as is the Will of God.


My children, great is My joy to be here with you every day to help in your walking toward Heaven.


Alone you cannot improve your life, you need of God, of His Light, of His Teachings, of His Gifts. The Light of God ends with darkness of every day on earth, which are your disobediences.


Your hearts are sunken in darkness, alone nothing can do, but united to God will get everything.


I am with you in all places of earth, bringing help every day from Heaven to the world, it will help you more than you can imagine, it give strength for your revival, come everybody listen and put into practice, is hour of awareness that is necessary to walk together seeking Mercy of God. Only He can renew your lives, but you are indifferent to His Existence, you are doing force against His Authority.


You are running risk of no return to Him in time, you shall return before comes the day of His Justice to manifest to the world, the day of pay accounts to God is very near.


Call of the Lord to the world is constant, until that day arrives. He will manifest publicly, visible to all people, fair and unfair, because is the day to deliver Salvation to whom deserves it and condemnation to whom did not want to convert.


The Call He does to your conversion is urgent for everybody to be happy eternally, but keep in mind that out of Him there is no happiness. Many are hiding the face to not accept the truth, they like the error, but from God nobody can hide. He sees everything at each second. This is a mystery that only belongs to Him. Convert, convert, My children.


Pay attention that instead to accept messages of God, you are there in the world telling things that offend to God, you are not welcoming them.


Welcome My children, welcome His Word, this is the last anchor of Salvation that is holding the time of tribulation, which is coming for the world.


Hold firmly the content of messages and straighten your steps, enter in the way of Heaven. Jesus Christ is knocking at doors of your hearts, you shall open them, you shall attend Him with you. Tell Him My children:  Enter here my Lord and take my life in Your Hands. Save me.”


Convert My children, convert.


Dear and beloved children of My Immaculate Heart, I bless you in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Divine Holy Spirit that illuminates you forever with His Light.


I am Servant of the Lord, Mary, the Mother of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world, the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.


I am the Immaculate Conception of Mary, I am the Messenger of God and in the message today He thank you for the moment of prayer and warns you:


“Listen My Church, My people: the day when it will be poured upon the world the hour of My Justice is near.


Run all mankind to My House, which I have established upon the mountains, before I command to My Angels that pour the cups of My Justice upon you.


Do what I say, mankind, before comes the hour when your repentance can be too late. If I want I could force you to hear, because I am Absolute Power, I am God, I am what I am. But, I am not going to do it because I love you and all what I do is with My Love.


But, mankind, I want that you meditate for not waste your time anymore, doing deeds in the wind.


Now the time arrived when I am going to blow stronger upon the world, and strong wind will take from your hands all ruin deed you have done trying to take them to Me, ruin things, as If I would accept them as good things. But, I know everything, I know how many of them are good and how many are false. I don’t love the sin, do not accept it, I do not authorize no one to sin. I want you renounce to sin, if wish Salvation. So you will know the New Heaven the New Earth. I do not accept disobediences. You are always trying to deceive Me, I am going to send My Angel to pour upon earth the first cup, it will be soon, but in this rest of time you have, yet you can throw out all evil done and recommence again procuring to do right from now on.


If you put together all what you have done wrong until now, will lose your hope to recommence, but I myself allow forgetfulness for you to grow first spiritually to remember that I am God and can help you. Give you strength, give courage, so your request of forgiveness will be without despair, you know to accept that did wrong and will fight for your Salvation.


I am who can renew your memory, show you that the error is not good for you. Then, coming the hour of your passage from this world you will have My protection, that hour is especial for everybody without distinction, is hour to know Me face to face.


Believing or not you will have to go through that moment looking inside My Eyes and asking forgiveness and My Compassion.


Then, you will see: what worth your arrogance, your pride, your irony, your hate, your impiety, your lack of obedience, your lack of love. You are detached to Capital Sins, and they defeated you, now you need to rebuild and only I can get you up, it will be in the last day, but it is near.


No one can flee from last moment for repentance, is now before the day when the Divine Holy Spirit will descend upon all mankind. In that day nobody will stay without being judged individually. It is necessary to prepare before, repenting of all what has done wrong.


I am Mercy, but I am true Justice too.


Nobody can flee from My View and neither from My Justice.


Therefore, mankind, straighten, I am giving you time, don’t stay accommodated in your sin, waiting the last moment, it can’t be only your Salvation but your condemnation too, depends on you if get converted or not.


Conversion guarantees Salvation, incredulity guarantees Hell for who does not want Salvation. The decision is your, mankind, I do not force you to be with Me forever, but who decides for Me will be happy eternally.            


There is no justice same as Mine, I am God, I am total Wisdom.


Or the creature humbles herself and come to Me with her own feet or I am going to seek her for the Final Judgment.


I love you with Eternal Love.”


Dear children, united let’s to meditate the Words of God our Eternal Father, the Almighty, that today one more time reminds you that everything needs to be done with love to be accepted by Him.


He is all good and you cannot continue defying Him as you do, sin is a challenge to God, man wanting to show that doesn’t accept domain upon him, domain of God. But, when he sins is allowing evil to dominate him.


When God speaks everybody has to stop and listen to Him. He is the Creator of all things. Has authority upon all what exist.


So punishment comes upon who challenges Him.


The world overall has more evil deeds than good deeds, but yet it is possible to improve. To improve is just necessary to repent, ask forgiveness and recommence, sinning no more.


There are many people saying that: “Now is not more possible to recommence.” Verily I say My children, I your Celestial Mother, I am in the world by order of God to help and warn you that is possible to recommence yet, is worth to make effort and recommence with courage, you do not know how to calculate the value of a request for forgiveness. The more humble you are the more will diminish your guilt. Hurry up to cultivate humility, so you will harvest good deeds to give them to God.


Empty and abandon yourselves in the Hands of God.


My children, the Holy Word of God reveals you today about the miracle Jesus Christ did healing a blind man. My children, if Jesus healed a blind man, don’t you should increase your hopes in Salvation?


A soul is more important than a body. He heals your souls, He saves you, increase your faith.


This is what I come to reveal today for your conversion.


Now I ask the Holy Mass, the Holy Eucharist with faithfulness to God.


Pray, pray, pray for the two Holy Fathers the Popes, Benedict VXI and Francis, for all the Clergy, for religious men and women, for all mankind.


Pray for atheists and pagans, I tell to all of them – is not your body who will pay accounts to God, but your soul, your spirit, your heart. If you live according to flesh, in the futures who will suffer is the soul, recognize that are creature and the Creator is who wants your Salvation, His Will prevails. You will be tested with fire.


Pray for the Holy Church founded by Jesus Christ, unity and prayer, be attentive My children, believe in miracles that Jesus Christ did in the world, all was to increase your faith and not to desist from Salvation.


The Lord is very close, renew your spirit, rejoice. He is your freedom. No one loves you as he loves you.


Come on My children, recommence again your walk to Heaven.


Help the Holy Fathers the Popes in this hour so disturbing for the world. Help for every child return to the Church before happening of big catastrophes in the world. More prayer together with the Holy Fathers the Popes, all Priests and all Christians.


I love you very much and cover you with My Mantle of Love.


Brazilians, there are coming great tempests, pray and increase your faith, God protects you, trust Him.


All nations, do the same. Many catastrophes are coming. God invites to remain united each time more.


Now I bless you in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Divine Holy Spirit, the Mother of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world,



Mary, the Immaculate Conception.



Thanks for respond to the Call of God.


To plant a garden, the gardener has joy, enthusiasm, do the same, renew the garden of faith, don’t cry for what you have done wrong, do the same too in your hearts, repent and seek forgiveness of God.


The Light of God never goes out and He is giving opportunities, hurry up in your conversion. Don’t procure darkness anymore. Walk in clarity of Light from God. Be saints in your deeds, as a little child who begins to walk, he doesn’t loose his hands from what keeps him secure because is afraid to fall. If you don’t want to improve, nothing more have to do but if you want it, do not loose your hands from My Mantle, It is done with Love of God, I am in the world to help you recommence your walk in the Light of God, He strengthens you.


God is going to seek all children who want Salvation.


It is not going to Heaven who doesn’t convert.


Now I offer My Immaculate Heart as Refuge in the hour of great and terrible punishment that approaches for the sin.


A great punishment is approaching for the sin, take care of your souls.


With all affection and love of Mother I wish you Peace and take to God your requests.


The Peace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you now and forever.



Peace! Peace! Peace! Amen! Amen! Amen!




Blessed be God, Blessed be His Holy Name.



You shall meditate in the Holy Gospel today: Mc. 8: 22 – 26.