Message of Our Lady - Mary, Full of Grace
The Advent of the New World - Words of Our Lady
October 1, 2011 - first Saturday
Dear children, with love and affection I come to bless you in the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
United to the Holy Trinity, together we will get the real peace for the world.
My children, I feel a great joy to meet you gathered in this home blessed by God to carry out the great prayer meetings to help save the world at the moment when the big and terrible things are about to happen and he (the world) is not ready to win.
Today, a day dedicated to the souls in Purgatory, so they can move from Purgatory to Heaven, because they are releasing spiritual debts and can receive the joy to enter in the Eternal Home, I thank you much for your prayers for them and I tell you they are praying for you so that everyone pays their debts on the earth and have not to go through Purgatory.
Every sinner must struggle to get to the Heaven, this is not presumed, want to go direct to the stairs to Heaven, the best place to repair the errors and ask forgiveness of God is here on earth, on earth, the climate is more favorable for reparation, but most leave it to pay in Purgatory.
Oh! My children, how sad the time in Purgatory is! Make efforts now, repair, repair to avoid passing through Purgatory.
Today is also a day dedicated to St. Theresa, she was so young, she was able to live in holiness, she is in Heaven and helps a lot to sinners. You must always seek help from the saints, do not do like your brothers of other faiths who do not believe in the power of the saints, who have special gifts, they do not let them to help those who need help.
Look at the lives of the saints and see that it is not difficult to reach the holiness, just is enough that your hearts become humble and meek.
My children, God's Holy Word takes you today to meditate on your mission to respond to His Call and do the works that He wants everyone to do before leaving this earth world in the direction to God.
God wants holy deeds, deeds of mercy, He gives you the power to be merciful to one another as He is. A selfish person is not merciful, the person who wants to live alone to avoid being disturbed by others, also this is not merciful, then you need to know love, know to donate, know to contribute to a less electronic world and more fraternal.
God gives you so many Gifts, but you are forgetting, because you are living in an age when man has become like machines. Machines cannot think, do not have feelings, no heart. But there will come a day when God will bring down the technology and people will have to use their mind, their hands and will have to learn from the overnight that need the help of his brother. The rich will need the beggar and the beggar will need the rich. All you're going to discover inside the heart that you should live like brothers, you have to start digging the earth for what to eat and drink.
God will correct the rebellion of His children and they will have to get off the pedestal and be equal as those who were always poor.
I come every day to talk to the world what God sent Me to say, and today especially, I am here to tell you: be faithful to your mission, take the Holy Gospel and know the Eternal Happiness.
The hunger will pass, thirst, war, disease, and a new man will be born, a man obedient to God, humble and simple.
The hour is approaching, you must fight for peace, do not let anything in this world take your peace away, be obedient to God and you will have all what you need.
There is coming, a terrible event for the world and those who wish to lead the arks built to house people that are in place of danger, they can begin to prepare their families.
There will be a great demand, but this concern is not necessary because those who believe in God will endure the suffering and even having to stay where they are because they will have protection.
Once the secrets are revealed, the world is going to lose its balance, except those that are part of My Army. Be faithful till the end, you need not fear any evil, God is with you.
This is what I reveal here in this message of conversion.
WHEN FAITH INCREASES, FEAR is decreased, you can keep praying asking God to increase your faith, your hope in Him.
Pray, pray, pray for the Holy Father Benedict the XVI, for all the clergy, religious men and women, for all mankind.
Pray for the atheists and pagans, God will reward you.
Pray for the Holy Church founded by Jesus Christ, try to remain in a state of grace to receive the Holy Eucharist, this is the best Food you need.
Assist the Holy Father the Pope, it is approaching to him the hour of martyrdom. Help him to find souls for God. The persecutions will increase, but you must pray the Rosary to bring down all the persecutions.
I love you so much and cover you with My Mantle of Love. Who wants protection, enter under My Mantle. Brazilians prepare, prepare, terrible storms come there for you.
I thank everyone here today to pray for world peace, for peace in the family.
I ask that you to call the missing, time is serious, come all to pray with Me to win every battle.
Pray for all nations.
Now I bless you in the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, the Mother of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world,
Mary, the Immaculate Conception.
You must meditate on today's Holy Gospel: Luke 10: 17-24.