
Darly Chagas is a devote Catholic, a woman of a deep prayer, from Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil.

She receives regularly messages from Virgin Mary, Immaculate Conception; and sometimes from God the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

Some messages are directed specifically to Brazil, while others are for the world as a whole. Words of the Immaculate Heart of Our Heavenly Mother to Her sons that need to learn how to prepare well for the events that are coming.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

February 5, 2012

Message of Our Lady - Mary, Full of Grace
The Advent of the New World - Words of Our Lady

February 5, 2012

Dear children, today, the day of the Lord, with much love and affection I come to bless you in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

United to the Holy Trinity, together we will get the real peace for the world.

My children, My little children, humble yourselves before God and hasten in your conversion. So long ago I'm calling you and telling to you through so many messages in the world, that you are in danger and accommodated as if you were right and you are not worrying about anything else than the financial situation and health. You need to accept the Warnings of Heaven and take better care of your hearts, you must purify yourselves, not to suffer more than what will suffer. Prepare for the difficult time you will have to overcome with patience and acceptance.

It is coming the time of tears and for many who despises the Warnings of Heaven, the tears will be of blood.

All you need to worry now is about your faults. Ask God to forgive your sins and seek reparation before the coming of the Lord's Day to all nations. Like you who are attentive to the teachings of the Holy Gospel you know, that the good and the bad together will endure much suffering because the sins attracted this situation. Therefore the Warnings are in the world so that everyone is prepared.

What the good one needs is to be even better, those who are bad need to take the first step to convert before the end of the preparation time to be purified and not to fall into despair at the hour of the big catastrophes that will happen.

It is time to throw out all pride and ask Jesus Christ, My Divine Son, to pour His Mercy on you, you need healing, you are all suffering because of sin in the world.

My children, the Holy Word of God today takes you to meditate on the healing of your illnesses, both physical and spiritual. The spiritual illness is the most dangerous because the man do evil to the brothers and his soul is the one who suffers, and Jesus shows you that whoever believes in Him, believe that He removes the evil spirits which make man a slave, evil spirits enter in him to make offenses against God and destroy those who believe in God.

What is happening today is that man grows, turns away from God, does not pray, does not like the one who pray and ends up giving the back to God and serving the devil.

Poor children, little children today are helping more than adults, especially those who are fed only from breast milk, are little, they are governed only by God, they live in prayer, spiritually they pray for the salvation of the world. They are innocent and the innocent have superior force than adults. They only know the spiritual life, do not know the material life and are not attached to what separate man from God, the material.

When they grow up and knowing the things of the world are not like before because, with the example of adults, they begin to think of many things. Therefore as they are innocent, they help more than adults.

You must thank God for the little children who are still growing, there will come a time when, because of a terrible world event, not so many little children will be born, will be a very small number and not very healthy.

Awake My children and try to help more in the Salvation of the world, do not continue idolizing the sin, pray as little children, they pray even sleeping. If you only knew how beautiful Heaven is, you would keep as little children in time of breast milk, you would think only in God and nothing else, He will give what is needed and you would know gladly accept His Will, you would not live away from God as you are, God does not let anything lacking on who is always near to Him because who is close to God, only wants holy things, does not look for what is wrong. Only attracts good things for himself and these good things last forever.

This is the time to return, at the end of time of sin, the domain of evil ends on those who agreed to be dominated.

When Jesus Christ returns, all the forces of evil will fall.

But first comes the Divine Holy Spirit, He will purify your hearts and make you obedient children to God, you will have to decide on this day where you will go.

The hour arrived to enter Eternity. No one is forced, but God shows you that in the Eternity you will be truly happy, in this world earth you are preparing for choosing your future. Who converts is choosing Heaven and who is not converted is choosing hell, there is no happiness, no light, or union with God or with other brothers.

Then children, God flooded the world with Warnings so that everyone would know it's time to leave this world earth and go to Heaven or hell.
For Heaven is necessary to obey the Commandments. There is no more time for man to be playing with his life. The Lord's Day is near and the man who does not become like a little child will not know how to conquer. The detachment will be total. You will have to live only for God.

This is what I come to reveal today, on this message of conversion.

It's time for total detachment from material things, you will not need them in the New Life, there you all will be rich, but not from the wealth that you know, but from the wealth that God Himself will give you.

Pray, pray, pray for the Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI, for all the clergy, for religious men and women, for all mankind.

Pray for the atheists and pagans, consider that it is necessary to do charity, so pray for their conversion.

Pray for the Holy Church founded by Jesus Christ, only in Him you will find happiness. Help the Holy Father the Pope to seek the lost sheep. Time is passing and bringing the changes that you will have to endure, will be in pain because you need to die to the world and be born to God.

The earth is provisional abode where man learns to love God who created him. When the New Time comes, you will be ready for the New Life, the Eternal. Therefore Heaven is coming to help you, to help you in this passage from this life to another. In this life you are sinners, on the other you shall be pure and holy, converted, unfortunate will be those who did not convert, they will go to hell and from there, they will never go out.

This passage from one life to the other will be in pain. Death was defeated by Jesus Christ that is the Savior, but those who trampled in the Salvation will be punished with the second death that is the loss of the grace of God, they will be without His love and unhappy forever.

Abide in union with the Holy Father the Pope to please God.

I love you very much and I cover you with My Mantle of Love.

I alert to all Brazilians, pray, pray, pray that God will strengthen you. Many sufferings are coming for you, nature is very agitated and will cause sad results in your country. The hour is at the doors. God sent help in advance. Know that who took it will overcome the difficulties, but who is not humbled yet is necessary to humble themselves, there is still time to wake up, try to understand why so many warnings came from the Heaven at this time. They came because you alone would not understand and you'll end up losing all the good that God planted in you.

The messages came to your meeting, you must recognize that you changed long after God sent them to you. You must prepare to move from this world to the other and not mourn for what you are leaving behind.

Now the messages are of most urgent calls because it is time to win the battle against sin.

Be attentive to the signs in the sky, on earth, these signs are for you to remain more alert to the dangers.

To all the nations I leave the call to conversion with urgency.

Now I bless you in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, the Mother of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world,

Mary, the Immaculate Conception.

You must meditate on the Holy Gospel today: Mc.1 :29-39