The Advent of the New World - Words of Our Lady
Dear children, today, the day of the Lord, with much love and affection I come to bless you in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
United to the Holy Trinity, together we will get the real Peace for the world.
My children, the Holy Word of God reveals to you today in this great day when the Holy Church dedicate it to the Holy Trinity that is God.
All human beings must submit to the Holy Trinity.
They are three distinct persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit with the Divine nature, only the Son has two natures, Divine and human.
But they have the same Power, absolute Power over all things. They have always existed as They are Eternal.
Therefore all men have the duty to love, adore, praise to the Blessed Trinity. So you must understand that this is a mystery of God.
Jesus Christ made it clear to His disciples that they take to all people His teaching on obligatory acceptance for anyone who converts, to worship, love and praise the Holy Trinity. He gave this explanation when He told them that was given all authority in Heaven and on earth, and ordered them to make disciples of Him all nations, baptizing them in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. He told them to teach them to fulfill the Will of God, as He does so. Jesus Christ also told them that He would be with them until the end of the world.
My children, the vast wealth that God distributes over all is this: the opportunity to convert, through faith, the belief that God exists, He is invisible to the eye, but you can feel His presence, are able of Loving, to worship Him and be sure that He is taking care at all times of each of you.
With faith you are able to correct your mistakes, walking in righteousness, because He is who gives you the ability to accept what is Real.
All this is understood by all those who receive the Baptism, because the Baptism is a Grace that God bestows upon you. From the time you were baptized, were born to life in God.
You received the grace of the union with the Father, the Son and the Divine Holy Spirit.
Who lives in Him will have help from Him, can achieve great things with the help of Him, above all have the Grace to be able to see his mistakes and correct them, learn to apologize and trust that He forgives, has humility, trying to repair the error with the acceptance and love.
When man falls into error, often feel satisfaction, but there are those who recognize, feel ashamed of the error. It is like if someone is in front of a mirror looking at his beautiful face created by God to be always beautiful, passing through a change that causes horror, a formation caused by the sin. And sin is the destruction, destroys even the appearance of a man. This is known because it can be understood, because you know that the possessed are hideously deformed, which is the devil that enters in the person and makes him a tool to terrorize people, sin takes away the beauty of the sinner.
God does not want this to any of His children, He teaches you how to avoid falling into this trap and you must learn as much as possible.
To protect you, He gave you the Baptism, that ye might be part of Him. With the Baptism you receive the Light of the Holy Spirit, He gives you the Gifts and valuing them you walk in the safe road.
My children, let us thank today to the Holy Trinity for giving you the Sacraments, to give you the opportunity to know the value of your lives, to strengthen you to achieve the Salvation.
Nobody lives without God, is constantly present in our lives because He gave us life. Even those who do not believe in Him have the constant care of Him until the hour of death when they have to decide whether they want the life He offers or not. If they want it, will have to convert and if not, will have no Union with Him, will go to hell. God does not abandon anyone, man is he who turns away from Him forever, because do not to Love Him.
God offers the Heavenly Paradise to all, but not everyone wants the Salvation.
All generations receive this offer, but are free to accept it or not.
My children, meditate in the advice that I give you, love the Holy Trinity and you will have all you need. You will be happy for all the eternity. Get ready for the big day when God will give you a new life, you will live in His Kingdom.
The new life does not mean to born again, but to go through the purification and reach Holiness. You will have the opportunity to undergo a change that only God can do in you, is like iron passing through the fire, so the Sacred Fire of the Divine Holy Spirit will give you this change. You will be pure, all that causes evil on you will be burned and only will remain what God wants in you. Prepare yourselves, it is coming the time to improve your situation in front of God. You will no longer be slaves of the sin, ye will be free, fully of God, that ye are sanctified by Him.
This is what I come to reveal to you today for your conversion.
Pray, pray, pray for the Holy Father Benedict XVI, for all the Clergy, for the religious men and women, for all mankind.
Pray for the atheists and pagans, never cease to fight for them, praying always.
Pray for the Holy Church founded by Jesus Christ, be faithful to God and you will lack of nothing. Trust in what Jesus Christ teaches you, learning you will be victorious. Help to the Holy Father with your prayers, he has a mission so beautiful and you must help him get to the end.
The end is near, but is not the end of the world, is the end of a time.
I love you much and I cover you with My Mantle of Love.
Brazil, Brazil, three times you were called and you are not yet prepared to overcome the time that is approaching to you. Listen to the Voice of God and ask the Light to avoid falling into the abyss. You are called by the Force of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
For all nations have come the warnings, who values, takes care of the soul and gets ready to win. The Holy Trinity is calling constantly.
Now I bless you in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, the Mother of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world,
Mary, the Immaculate Conception.
You must meditate on the Holy Gospel today: Matthew 28:16-20.