
Darly Chagas is a devote Catholic, a woman of a deep prayer, from Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil.

She receives regularly messages from Virgin Mary, Immaculate Conception; and sometimes from God the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

Some messages are directed specifically to Brazil, while others are for the world as a whole. Words of the Immaculate Heart of Our Heavenly Mother to Her sons that need to learn how to prepare well for the events that are coming.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Message of Our Lady - Mary, Full of Grace
The Birth of the New World - Words of Our Lady

March 29, 2009 – 5th Sunday of Lent

Dear children, today, the day of the Lord, with much love and affection I come to bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Divine Holy Spirit.
United to the Holy Trininity, we will get the real Peace in the world.

My children, I feel great joy in finding you here reunited in prayer to attract peace in the world and in your hearts.
In this house where God made a dwell, many Blessings are poured because of this special moment that you reserved to glorify God and give Him the fruit of your effort to participate in the worldwide movement of prayer to help Save the world.

My children, many joys are taken by this act of love to God.

When the children humiliate and lower the head and make the Will of God, they receive from Him special Blessings.

Thanks My children, for your decision to serve God using your home so that more children who believe come, that are needed to help saving the world.

My children, My little children, the Holy Word of God reveals you today that Jesus was distressed when it was getting the time that would have to pass the great suffering to Save the world.

You heard today during the celebration of Holy Mass in the Holy Gospel that Jesus reveals that He asked for the help of the Father, because felt that it would be very painful and this would have to pass, but He acknowledged that could not change His suffering because was for this that He came to the world.

You heard that His explanation was very clear that the man needs to detachment of his life to deserve eternal life. He also said that "if the grain of wheat, fell on earth, not die, it is alone, if dies, produces much fruit." (John 12, 24)

So My children, every man who wishes to live eternally, has to die for the world and live for God.
The man has to detachment from all material things, all things are matters of this world and leave it completely in the hands of God and let Him rule your life.

God gives everything you need, you should trust Him more and hear what He wants you to do.
God wants to remind you that within you there is a soul and it must have peace.
The world today only offers to man things that make him to stay away from God.
My children, you must fight for the seed that God planted in your hearts erupts and take you to the growth of the soul.

The fruit that your life needs to produce is the humility, with it you recognize that God exists and that you want to give sanctity to reach Paradise.
How you will raise if do not believe in the Resurrection?

In truth I tell you, the man must not desist the Salvation to deserve the Resurrection.
This is what I come to reveal today, this hour when you are on the way to eternity. Convert, convert.

Pray, pray, pray for the Holy Father the Pope Benedict XVI, for all the Clergy, for the religious men and women, for all the humanity.

Pray for the atheists and pagans, they need much of your help.

Pray for the Holy Church founded by Jesus Christ, many sorrows will reach all Christians, much persecution and a time of difficulty, time of difficult understandings. Unite in prayer, Prepare for the Holy Easter.

You need much prayer.
I love you very much and cover you with My Mantle of Love, especially Brazil which is about to pass for a big suffering.
Today I also want to leave here a word to My children who are now on the seventh day after the death of My daughter Ila. She is well, is contemplating the Face of Jesus Christ that Saved her and led her to the Father.

Do not cry for the good that has already left this world and already were for God, cry for the unbelievers who do not want to hear, not want to see, not want to God.
These poor children have to suffer a lot to overcome all the pride and return to God.
Now those who embrace the Will of God be happy after passing of this world, because contemplate the face of My Divine Son Jesus Christ, but those who insist not to humiliate, before God, they may lose the grace of life, if not repent of their wrong attitudes.

I appreciate the presence of you all and I hope for you in the next meeting. Here you are producing healthy fruits.

Now I bless you in the
name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, the Mother of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world,

Mary, the Immaculate Conception.