
Darly Chagas is a devote Catholic, a woman of a deep prayer, from Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil.

She receives regularly messages from Virgin Mary, Immaculate Conception; and sometimes from God the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

Some messages are directed specifically to Brazil, while others are for the world as a whole. Words of the Immaculate Heart of Our Heavenly Mother to Her sons that need to learn how to prepare well for the events that are coming.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

June 28, 2009

Message of Our Lady - Mary, Full of Grace
The Birth of the New World - Words of Our Lady

June 28, 2009 – Feast of Saint Peter and Saint Paul

Dear children, today, the day of the Lord, with much love and affection I come to bless you in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

United to the Holy Trinity, together we will get the real peace for the world.

My children, the Holy Word of God reveals you today the feast of St. Peter and St. Paul. They were children who agreed, with love, the mission received from God to bring the world the Holy Gospel in order for all people to be part of the Church of Jesus Christ.

St. Peter, the one who Jesus Christ chose to be the foundation of His Church, this means that St. Peter was the cornerstone of this Church fighting the forces of hell and growing in holiness.

Saint Paul took his mission
to preach the Holy Word of God for humanity to grow in holiness and not be defeated by force of hell.

Jesus Christ today calls new children, new priests to his Church to grow each day, who knows how to value the knowledge that He brings to every man and that everyone can get to True Happiness.

My children, My dear and small children, I feel great joy to be here with you and find you gathered in prayer to hear what God wants from you.

In fact God wants you to sanctify one day and understand that you may know what you should do to improve your journey, you must listen in silence what He speaks to you and put it into practice.

You should know that to be part of the Church of Jesus Christ, you must give up all the dislikes and learn to accept walk toward heaven.

Jesus Christ became the way and invited you to follow Him.

The Christian life is a life of martyrdom, so the great martyrs Peter and Paul were chosen to be the beginning of this Church, they were martyred to give example to the world that those who choose God, must imitate Jesus Christ, that He gave His life for all sinners.

Not all surrender or let go all that have to serve God.

I see so many children that could help Me to seek help from God to improve this world, but are afraid to leave things in the world to do what Jesus Christ did and does fighting against all evil and become meek and humble of heart.

My children, the world needs to improve and will only get better when all recognize that need God, that need to give more for peace finally to come.

Ye are at the doors of many sufferings and you are not looking to let go of illusions.
Awake and repent.

The time to change the heart is now, the time to thank God for life which you received is now and to thank, you only need to have more good will.

Ye shall remember that there is no longer time.

The very painful time is approaching, you are not seeking for protection, you are not praying as I asked you, you now see a growing epidemic, you must pray more

My children, hear the voice that calls you, repent.

This is what I come to reveal you today in this message of conversion.

Pray, pray, pray for the Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI, for all the clergy, the religious men and women, for all the mankind.

Pray for the atheists and pagans, the time is near.

Pray for the Holy Church founded by Jesus Christ, the martyrdom of the Holy Church will be very huge.

Now all Christians are in danger and will need much help, we need to increase the faith of every Christian.

I love you too much, I cover you with My Mantle of Love, especially Brazil, which will pass through a very big sadness, very soon. I cover the entire world.

Pray My children, things that you do not know will come.

Thank you for your presence, your understanding.

I thank My children Elza and Felisberto for giving Me this place of prayer, many graces will come later for you because you were good children, welcoming Me and also welcoming those who come here to pray with Me, receive the Graces I bring from Heaven for your conversion.
Now I bless you in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, the Mother of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world,

Mary, the Immacualte Conception.

June 20, 2009

Message of Our Lady - Mary, Full of Grace
The Birth of the New World - Words of Our Lady

June 20, 2009 – Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Dear children, with much love and affection I come to bless you in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

United to the Holy Trinity, together we will get the real peace for the world.

My dear children, I feel great joy in finding you gathered in prayer to attract peace to the hearts and to the world.

I thank you for each day that you have good will to be with Me. I have told you many times that on the day of the Triumph of My Immaculate Heart, you shall triumph with Me.

Today is very beautiful, the Holy Word of God reveals to you the day dedicated to My Immaculate Heart, and I am happy with so many honors, and this is a moment in which My Immaculate Heart will triumph, because will overthrow the forces of hell that are taking children to the very path of error.

God called Me to serve Him and I attended, I am His Servant, one who agreed to be the Mother of the Son of God, My Divine Son Jesus Christ.

And when I accepted My mission, I felt in My heart that I would have to give Myself entirely to Him, accepting with joy of the Mother of the One who would save the world with much suffering.

My Immaculate Heart has been illuminated in this moment to be the temple, the abode of the Holy Spirit, and I trusted God and accepted.

I followed the footsteps of My Divine Son, all His suffering, I also suffered, but felt He was strong and would win because He was sent by our God, our Father, to liberate man from all the evil that reached the sin.

My Immaculate Heart guarded and guard eternally the Word of God, He did great things for Me, gave Me a heart triumphant over sin.

Before Him I gave Myself with joy, in Him is My life and so when I received you as children, felt great joy because God would give Me strength to help you even knowing it was all humanity, I trusted and agreed to be your Mother because I have inside My Immaculate Heart that you will win and one day we could live face to face in heaven with God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.

I have all hope that I am here on earth in this end of time calling and teaching My children to be converted and turn their hearts to God.

I am the Mother of the Church, you are the Church of My Divine Son Jesus Christ and He sent Me to you to teach to ye the Church Triumphant.

Triumphant is all who persevere in obedience to the Commandments, you one day will understand that obedience is the best and you will obey.

God has enriched My heart when made ME the Mother of the Church, Temple, His dwelling place. So I invite you to further improve your hearts that your triumph over evil to happen too.

I am happy because I have inside Me the hope and I give you that hope when you trust that I am your Mediatrix. I go before God and ask Him to grant you the grace that you need.

The Grace of God is a seed that He gives Me to sow in your heart and every day you should water it to grow and produce it in you the salvation. The seed is faith, it is tiny, depending on the love that grows in you, that faith grows, progresses and you may understand how much is good to see you grow into the love of God.

A person who does not cultivate faith, does not develop, you can even dry out and be burned on the last day when Jesus will come to judge the hearts.

Faith is Light My children, you must not blow out this Light.

The world is in deep darkness, it does not see goodness in God, does not value the things He created, does not preserve the nature, destroys every day what it received from God, the grace, to build bases that are the ruin to all.

Awake My children, take care of your faith because without it you will not win the difficulties of every day.

This is what I come to warn you, at the end My Immaculate Heart will triumph and you shall triumph with Me.

Pray, pray, pray for the Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI, for all the clergy, the religious men and women, for all the mankind.

Pray for the atheists and pagans, be persistent, you are winning.

Pray for the Holy Church founded by Jesus Christ, all I ask you today is that you be the true Church, feed you with the love of God.

Pray for the protection of the Holy Father the Pope, he needs a lot of help from heaven and all Christians.

I love you very much and cover you with My Mantle of Love.

Prepare, prepare, much suffering will come to the world.

I thank you so much for your presence, remember that the Holy Spirit will come very soon, be increasingly a temple ready to receive Him.

Thank you for the honor of Today.

My children who live in this home, I thank you for create here, this prayer group with whom I am glad. If more places were available, more people would be praying.

Prayer works miracles in families, streets, cities, countries and worldwide.

I take to God your requests and I offer My Immaculate Heart as a refuge in this time when the earth will shake in several places.

Now I bless you in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, the Mother of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world,

Mary, the Immaculate Conception.


Our Lady
showed me a heart full of light, like a diamond in the sun, from It rays of Light came upon us.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

June 11, 2009

Message of Our Lady - Mary, Full of Grace
The Birth of the New World - Words of Our Lady

June 11, 2009 – Feast of Corpus Christi

Dear children, with much love and affection I come to bless you in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

United to the Holy Trinity, together we will get the real peace for the world.

My children, the Holy Word of God leads you today to think more about the great wealth that He has given you, you have received this award from Heaven, the Holy Eucharist is the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of My Divine Son, the only begotten Son, truth Son of God, the Savior of the world.

This is the sacrament of Love, the Sacrament which gives Eternal Life, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. The Holy Eucharist is our Covenant that God gave the world for the remission of all sin of His children, children who want to live forever, the converted and those still to convert.

Jesus Christ shed all His Blood and Water in His Body on the Cross for the redemption of the sins of the world and continues to bestow on all the altars of the world in His church where He hopes that all men will receive Him.

So My children, ye shall enhance the Rich Sacrament because you are in time to prepare for the great transformation of your life, while overcoming the final trials, be able to reach the Eternal Happiness.

It is approaching the arrival of the New Kingdom, when Jesus Christ will come again to the world for the Final Judgment.

But before Jesus Christ returns, His promises will be fulfilled,
the triumph of My Immaculate Heart and the Coming of the Holy Spirit.

Humanity is all contaminated, almost unrecoverable, even with only the promises of Jesus Christ is realizing that the dispersion will end.

God has given opportunities and more opportunities for the world to correct itself, but the world did not want, most of them had no fear of Him
now will regret it first and then to rebuild and return to Him.

The tests are coming and moaning will get everywhere,
those strengthened with the favors of the Holy Eucharist will win.

I am with My children, for so long, some feel called and came to know what I brought from heaven to the world and the rest was not moved, they did not know.

I brought the grace of a time for the man to hurry up in the conversion and and get closer to God because it came the time to end the pilgrimage on earth and begin to Life, Life in God alone, no longer stay in this time when you are still in materialism. God gave to the world the temporal things, they are not eternal, it was only for the man to decide for Eternal Life, rejecting the sin.

To improve the situation of your hearts, Jesus Christ sends the Holy Spirit
and you will be cured by a new baptism, the baptism in the Divine Fire, the Sacred Fire, that will purified you.

The Triumph of My Immaculate Heart is near, I'll be recognized and loved by all children who still do not recognize Me as Mother.

My little children, I'm here to help you in this time when many things are
happening to the world, much suffering, many wars, many diseases, changes in the nature, time also when the Holy Spirit will come, the discovery of true happiness.

Let’s meditate more about the warnings that are coming for you to seek and find within your heart a little place where you will build with much love, the temple of God.

The body should be a temple for the Holy Spirit, with your 'yes' to God, He comes and teaches you to do this temple.

Sin has to go out of your life, you need to find peace to live the true life in God.

Many children are removed from the Holy Eucharist because they do not detach from sin, time is running out and then you who are far away from this spiritual food, you will not endure temptations, because so far, you are weak.

Disasters are coming, try to think about it, God gave you all the warnings, you are not appreciating. Apart from epidemics, many diseases, also a strong depression reach the end of humanity in this time, you must pray more with the heart.

God calls you to Holy Communion, come, come hurry up, time is getting shorter day by day.

This is what I come to warn you in this message for all one day to come to the Eternal Happiness.

Pray, pray, pray for the Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI, for all the clergy, for all religious men and women, for all the mankind.

Pray for the atheists and pagans, they need a lot of your help also to get closer to God. Brotherly love makes great miracles. Pray with confidence and you will have it.

Pray for the Holy Church founded by Jesus Christ, unite increasingly in prayer to help the Holy Father, many difficulties will arise from now on, the weight of the cross he carries will increase, remain in a state of Grace. To all of you Christians I warn you, trust more that finally My Immaculate Heart will Triumph.

I love you very much and cover you with My Mantle of Love.

Stay alert, to the threat of war, they are not only threats, they can be realized, so you must pray with more faith, prayer can bring down the evil plans.

If these things still happen in the world is due to lack of effort of each human being to ask God for help.

If you do not ask help to Him, you do not value
the power of prayer, it is precise believe to receive.

You Brazilians are the people who have a little more good will to pray, you must always remind yourselves that you were given too much and you will be charged. Here in Brazil I, your Heavenly Mother, manifest more than in any other country and not all children are interested in knowing what I come to bring to the Brazilians. I bring more hope, more faith and to pray with you because ye are in great danger. The reason of My coming to the world is especially for you Brazilians. God will confirm everything that I reveal.

Pray for all the nations. Everyone will suffer much.

Now I bless you in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, the Mother of Jesus Christ the Savior of the world,

Mary, the Immaculate Conception.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

June 29, 2009

Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ

June 29, 2009

Jesus called me into my heart and I responded with great joy. He told me:

Come to Me wheat flower, come and listen to My Voice. I want to make you happy so I always call to give you true happiness, make you Holy, perfuming your soul, make you beautiful, filled with My Light to take you to Paradise.

Come My daughter be always close to Me, I am God, I'm the One who want to Save you.

Oh! My Lord and my God, you called me, here I am at your feet and thank You for Your love, for the life, for the forgiveness of every day, for the call You are doing to take better care of my soul. I am your servant, am all Your. I love Thee, adore Thee, I praise Thee, bless Thee, I glorify Thee, to Thee I give thanks for Your glory in the Three Persons of the Trinity.

Little daughter, I love you and take care of you, take care of every human being in the same way because I rescued you dying on the Cross and Rose on the third day. Today I'm still offering the Salvation. So there is a large
number of people who are far from Me, that if I abandoned them, they would not come to the Salvation.

I am patient and merciful; I am waiting for them every day to show each of the treasure that I will give them when they come to the Salvation.

Jesus my Lord and my God, I want Your love to save my soul, I want to follow Your steps, You are everything to us, You are the Son of God the Father, and He decided to give You to us, the sinful children, to save us and lead us to Him Lord, I want to overcome sin, help me. You know how we are weak and fall into traps very easily, Strengthen us.

Little daughter, if you abandon yourself in My Hands, I'll help you. Teach thee to conquer sin, you will find this if every day you abandon yourself in My Hands, the forgiveness of your mistakes I'll give you and you will win.

Jesus, come quickly to help us with Thy forgiveness, we are all afraid of the future. If today, in the present, we are tormented by threats of wars, disease, nature, bringing many surprises in terms of climate, we are suffering from the evil growing day by day in the hearts of men, how will be our future, my God , what will be of us?

Little daughter, in truth I tell you, the future of man depends on your 'yes' to God. Who gives himself to Me, know that have My protection, it is just missing in the world the true faith. I am the future of those who believe in Me, I am Eternal.

It is precise your loyalty to Me, it is precise to trust that if you have prayers elevated to Me, you have nothing to fear.

My Lord and my God, you are Just, you know that not everyone practices evil, deliver us from fear, we must make our walk, but we are failing. Only You Lord, you can break these things in the world. Come Lord, come quickly, deliver us from all suffering.

Lord Jesus, come quickly, come to govern your people

Little daughter, trust that I see everything and show everyone their mistakes.

I want the world to recognize that I am God, but it does not look at Me, does not recognize Me because they are afraid of truth, afraid of being punished. But I just punish the sin, wherever they are will be corrected. Who does not want punishment have to get rid of sin, whether small or big, I will punish you, I will take it out from the world.

I am the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.

It's no good for a man having afraid of the truth, I am the Truth, there will come a time when all shall stand before Me, whether you like it or not, whether you believe or not.

My Lord and my God, how and when we will come before you, all at the same time?

We are waiting for Your Divine Mercy and that it extends over all of us giving us the full happiness.

Ye are a few steps to better understand what happiness is, but first I tell you truly, that day when you will be all face to face with Me, will be the Day of the Resurrection of your body, the Final Judgment and this day only the Father will reveal it to you.

But, the signal of approaching is the Day of Punishment.

Before the Punishment, two things will happen coming from Heaven: the Coming of the Holy Spirit and the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary My Blessed Mother.

My Lord and my God, I hope in Thee, have mercy on us, save us from any punishment, give us Peace.

Little daughter, now I want you to do a prayer for humanity to enter in the Refuge that I gave it this End Time. The earth will shake, seek refuge in the Immaculate Heart of Mary that is the only refuge that will prevail standing, nothing would destroy It.

Divine Son of Mary, hear my plea for humanity that we are created by God.

At this time we're close to going through great change as we were told by You and our Blessed Mother, give us strength, courage, faith, hope. Give us Lord, clarity of thought to change our habits and to come together more this time.

We know that Safe Harbor is not made of bricks and is without material comfort. The perfect Refuge is the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Wherever we are, we trust that You gave us your Mother to be ours and Thank You Lord, there is no greater wealth than to be Your children.

Help us, help us in our agony before we die. Grant that all sinners enter this Refuge until they pass all the trials.

Lord, while we await the hour of our death, we ask Thee to cure diseases and the union of all nations.

Forgive your people, you are the Shepherd who will lead us to Paradise in Heaven. Come Jesus, come Thy Kingdom of love, justice, truth and peace.

In particular I ask for my sister in law who is in hospital waiting for your Divine Mercy.

Dear daughter, I appreciate your prayers and take care of my daughter who is your sister in law, I do the best for her.

The Refuge which I have given is open waiting for you and only those who are in it will survive the great disasters.

Thank you my Lord and my God, You wish to find within the inner Refuge that is the Immaculate Heart of Mary, this meeting will be wonderful and so I ask when?

Daughter, in truth I tell you, when the Father tell Me go to My children and occupy Your place, so I will. So, stay alert, only My Father knows the time.

Prepare, prepare yourselves, so if are realized the prophecies before and now, all will prophesied the Call to man to conversion.

Often the men were warned but not yet learned to listen to the warnings of Heaven, so they are in very dangerous situation, you may lose your salvation because of the neglect, indifference. The world is in paganism and atheism, is far from Me, We now will get them back to reality through suffering to purify them.

My Lord and my God, we are very concerned, all of us who have come before Thee to hear what You wish us to do this last time for our conversion.

Little daughter, I know of your concerns, I warn you that you need to increase your faith, who have no faith will not overcome fear, when the secrets are revealed from the days of Fatima until today. Pray because it will be very serious.

My Lord and my God, help us to improve our faith.

Daughter, I will help you, now I want you to look upon My Sacred Heart and reveal to the world what you are looking for everyone to get ready before it is too late.

Strengthen me Lord.

I see Thy Sacred Heart in the middle of a strong flame of Fire that does not go out and not burning, is the Flame of Love. At the top the cross where You have been cruelly crucified by guilt of our sins.

Now It opens and I see a great city being completely destroyed. Fallen buildings and smaller houses and all that is there, is a huge earthquake. Those who survive are all in dirty ground, I can not see how they are, there are many dead, many injured. There are no hospitals or able to help them out with more urgency, was a very fast event.

My God, have mercy, send the angels in heaven to help them, only they can arrive fast.

Daughter, the Angels are ready to help you, you must have faith.

My Lord, now that vision has passed. How painful to see all this and not knowing what to do. I'm praying now for that day that I saw.

Now see the second one and continue writing.

My God, I now see the disease infecting the entire planet. Many patients are not being cared for, many die, and I see men dressed in dark hiding the bodies for people not to take the knowledge of the fact.

My God this time is near? What will be of the humanity.

Daughter, in truth I tell you, that time is near, but many time ago, bodies are disappearing, being hidden by criminals, but now is only increasing because also for the sale of organs. But I see them, all human acts. The trade of bodies got bigger, people are being slaughtered to seel their organs.

There are organizations in various countries who run this service. Now I will expose them and correct them. The are controlled by the forces of evil.

My God, how awful, it is very painful to have a vision of this kind, but this is Your Will.

Lord, what more do You want to tell us about our situation at this end of time.

Little daughter, it has not use talking about things like the world, it does not want change, now the consequence is coming and must correct their spiritual debt, has not use running away, no one can hide from Me. The world must understand that sin is debt, is impurity and in heaven only enter those already purified.

Daughter, now see the last vision.

My Lord, I see inside of Your Sacred Heart a terrible storm that falls on Brazil and other countries in South America, my God, have mercy on us, lessen this tragedy, we have no resources to help us. You alone can you help us. We trust that You will not leave us without consolation.

Little daughter, I have taught to pray the Our Father, pray, pray, He will come in time, but it is necessary to purify the world, the world is not fearing the Holy Trinity, for the most part.

The world is in lack of love so great that is necessary to anticipate their purification. It will be very soon.

My God, have mercy on us. How many children, how many people are not able to escape the danger! Come Lord Jesus, come and stay with us, do not let us alone.

Daughter, I am always with you, you do not realize that time is running out and humanity is accommodated.

My Lord and my God, now I see Thy Sacred Heart being small, everything fades out and is only the Light, recorded in the memory of my poor heart.

How great is Thy Sacred Heart, It is Merciful, kind, full of love for us!

I trust that You are the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world, so forgive us.

Daughter, now prophesy to Jerusalem, My Church, My people. A little more time and you'll have no more to prophecy because prophecy now will start to pass.

My Lord, thank you for calling me to serve You. I prophesy, I’ll cry, I'll be sad, but in You I put my hopes, You are my life, only You know what will be our destination.

The Prophecy:

Jerusalem, Jerusalem, stand up and listen to My voice, here are more prophecies for you, is almost there the end of what I want you to know.

You need to leave the darkness and walk in the Light, I Am the Way, the Truth and the Life, I Am the Light of the world. Be in Me for not to lose your soul.

You will pass your trial and will know your credit with Me. As you have asked Me for forgiveness I gave you, but you tried to hide your other sins from Me.

I'll take you to the past and you will remember everything you did and you must to have a true repentance or you will be judged as you deserve.

I will send you the day of Purification prepare yourself.

Know Jerusalem that you will pass for three judgments:

1 - What you have done in your life, what you did with your body.

2 - What you have done against the development of your country.

3 - What you have done against world peace.

You did not value life, you did not respect your body, against your country, committed corruption, injustice, dishonesty, lack of love for others and more. It is against the peace of the world you have been complicit in the plans of war, all wars. Often sinned by omission. You have sinned so much that lured the darkness.

Listen Jerusalem, you need Me, and I am your Savior. You do not have how to live without Me.
Jerusalem, you were complicit in the destruction of your country because you have not prayed to get rid of this.

The lack of love makes war and war is about to happen in the world, is the worst ever.

The lack of fear to Me causes ruin.

Do you want to know what I will make of thee?

In truth I tell you, I'll fix you up and you can not get away from Me I'll send the new Pentecost for the purification of total mankind, but not everyone wants to continue with Me, they want to hell and nothing can free them for this because to Heaven go those who believe in Me and to hell those who do not believe, nothing can change this judgment.

So, who do not persevere in Me is condemned. Besides Me there is no life.

Listen Jerusalem, the Holy Spirit has not come to cleanse you, but will come very soon.

This is the time for man to grow in
faith and believe in Me.

Who does not want to be saved, go to hell.

Jerusalem, Jerusalem, come, I want to dress you up in Light, this is the garment that I will give you if you want salvation. I am your God, I love you with Eternal Love.

Very soon I will not speak to you through messages, the time is ending. You will be wandering aimlessly when I discontinue this time. Get ready today, a little more time the truth will be revealed and you will bend the knees and worship Me, you will recognize that I am your God.

Dear daughter, go and transmit what I reavealed, there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth, the whole earth will shake. I wait for you.

My Lord and my God, give us strength to overcome all sin and
save us.

Child, I bless you and bless you all.

I am Jesus Christ
I am God, I am who I am
I am the Saviour of the World.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

June 23, 2009

Message of the Divine Holy Spirit

June 23, 2009

The Light of God covered me and I heard His Voice. He told me:

Dear daughter, listen to the voice of thy God I am. Come, I call you to serve Me and bring to the world what it needs to do to get the Eternity.

Daughter, the hour when I will come upon the world is now approaching.

Blessed are those who repair their mistakes before this day to come.

I love you, do not be afraid to answer the Voice that calls you. This is My Voice.

My Lord and my God, Light of the world, enlighten us, Lord I'm here before you, ready to serve You, even a sinner, I know I am nothing, but tell me Your Will and give me strength and wisdom this time much more. Touch in me, if You do not touch me, nothing I can. I hope to Your Divine Grace, I surrender to You. I am your slave, I am your prisoner, because I know that You love me.

I love You my Lord, I adore Thee, I praise Thee, bless Thee, I glorify Thee, Thou give thanks for Your immense glory in the Three Persons of the Trinity.

I am who I am, I am God, I am the Light of the world and come down upon you to give you knowledge of the truth, to comfort and instruct you about the evil that you did when you sinned. The harm to yourselves, to your country and the world. Now you are to grow in love, obeying the Divine Laws being faithful and making you pure as I want every human being.

You must feed spiritually only from reality, do not cleave to the illusions, for not to lose My Light and end up in darkness.

Because of the illusion, you have not reached perfection.

My Lord and my God, Holy Spirit, descend in us Thy Flame of Love, burn our sins with the Burning Flame of Your Love.

Daughter, for that I give you first the clarity, spiritual insight in order to see your errors, repent of them and know to ask for forgiveness.

My Lord and my God, Light of the world, enlighten us. You are the Light that penetrates the heart of man, are the water that comes from heaven for us sinners. You are the source of all virtues. You are the Grace that makes us brothers of Jesus Christ our King and our Lord. You are what purifies our hearts, our lives and perfumes sanctifying us to Eternal Life.

Little daugther, when I touched your heart, I gave you My Love for completing your mission until the end of your time on earth. You have still something to do, as you have done so far, and be aware just in time to happen. Be careful, do not worry if people are on your side. I Myself will give you strength and you shall perform your mission until the end.

Yes my Lord, Light of the world, enlighten us. You know that I'm with health problems, I'm slow, I'm not well, but your strength You know how to take care of me. If you wish to strengthen each one of us.

Also Lord, I ask for those who ask me for help with prayer, all implore, help them, help them, bless each and grant us all Your Light, comfort, acceptance of your Will.

Little daughter, I want to hear your prayer for all the humanity.

My Lord and my God, Divine Light enlighten us. I do Thy will.


"Holy Spirit, for all of us sinners, I come before Thee to beseech Thy forgiveness, Thy Divine Mercy, Thy goodness.

Give us strength, wisdom, understanding, science, compassion, advice and fear of You. May each of us learn to respect your life and learn to exalt Thy power upon us.
Make Divine Light that we together have the strength to form a wall of love to protect us from all dangers that threaten us every day of our life yet on earth.
Come Holy Spirit, make us pure in heart, that You are the Divine Fire that warms our hearts, let us not falter now in this final part of our journey.

Oh Holy Spirit that fruitful in us the will of God, make us poor like Him, enlighten our intellect to know the value of our existence and adore You, love You, for You alone, our God, are worthy of worship, to be loved and glorified because Your Strength is above all.

Come to our aid, clear our life, sanctify us, let us not to lose the union with You.

Give us faith, hope and charity, inspire in us the flame of Your Love. Amen "

Little daugther, you did a good prayer, trust that I will give everyone who believes in Me, My assistance, I do not leave you alone, because I am God and I give you the knowledge of what is good for you. Stay in a state of Grace and united with Me and I always make you happy, wise and ever more, I will cleanse you to holiness. So you will arrive to Paradise in Heaven.

Thank you my Lord and my God, enlighten us always, deliver us from the punishment of darkness that threaten us and confuse us.

I am the light that never goes out, I am Eternal Light. Come all to Me and I will make you glorious temples, where you shall have joy of living forever.

Daughter, now prophesy to Jerusalem My Church, My people.

Yes my Lord and my God, to Thee all honor and glory for all eternity. I am here to serve You.
If you want that I prophesy, it will be, but ask You, My God, we are poor sinners, do not punish us, but comfort us because we deserve the hell for having offended Thee by all our lives, I implore You Lord our God, be not angry with us, forgive us, grant us a safe place while we are in the dock, we have sinned against You, against our brethren, against our country, against nature, against everything that God does not want us to sin.

You are the Justice, Peace, You are everything You are the Sun that illuminates eternity, give us a smoother prophecy.

Little daughter, I know how to retrieve the sinner, therefore, be confident and wait on My decision. Daughter Prophesy, prophesy.

My Lord and my God, Thy will be done, I prophesy.


Jerusalem, Jerusalem, your God calls you, stands up and listens to Him. Is closing the time for your decision, then I'll get you, wherever you are I'll see you. You’ll still receive one more prophecy at this time and then you will be surprised at any time.

I'll confirm everything that I sent for you to recognize My authority over you.

You will obey Me long before you expect it.

Jerusalem, My Church, My people, the time that I will clean up approaches. Clean your heart and wash yourself, put on clean clothes, go out of the mud, come to Me, I will wash you up with Water of Fountain and you will no longer have sexual relations in the mud with the smell of hell.
I am your God, I will give you the knowledge of truth.

See Jerusalem, thou shalt be corrected three times.

The first, the consequence of your personal sins,

The second, the consequence of your sin against your country,

The third, the consequence of your sin against the world, when you wished you behave as idolatrous, pagan and atheist, doubting My existence, of My power.

You know the weight of your sins, you will be judged.

Every nation will be weighed and judged and will have its judgment. Finally the world will be judged and will have its judgment. The punishment will be total darkness caused by the result of lack of respect to Me thou Jerusalem church because I wanted a temple, but you disowned Me three times. But, as I always loved you and love you with Eternal Love. I will heal you, heal your arrogance and give you one last chance to reconcile with Me.

The punishment will be the most terrible darkness.

Jerusalem get ready, come back to Me and be happy.

Come Jerusalem, I'm still giving you time.

I'll wash your mud and give you the glorious robe and with it you will be ready for our wedding.

I am God, I am what I am, I am the Light of the world.

Daughter, now go and tell the world that in a little more time I no longer will be speaking to the world through you.

All who survived the great disaster will have to overcome darkness.

It was to help you that My Spouse, the Most Pure Virgin Mary, came to stay with you and is still helping you in preparation. I make Myself present in Her to instruct you through Her, but you have not understood that the time of Grace is now. What remains is you to be present before Me, as you are now, there is no longer time.

I want you all consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, The One I choose to be My Wife and be the Mother of Jesus Christ, your Savior, and to be your Mother, your Mediatrix, your Queen. You should honor Her, venerate Her and listen to Her.

Thank you Holy Spirit for giving us to know what we have to do before the punishment. Thy will Be done.

Before your Royalty, only I bow and surrender my life, my soul, my heart, everything I do, all I am, all that hope in Thee.

I present to You our gratitude for everything and for the very dear Heavenly Mother that You gave us, to Her all our love, our affection, our dearness, our gratitude.

Daughter, be in My Peace, the Peace I give you, also I give the world, it does not know to give thanks, it will learn, will recognize that I am God and it will whorship Me, love Me for all eternity.

I am the Light of the world
I am God, I am what I am
I am the Holy Spirit.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

June 19, 2009

Message of Our Lady - Mary, Full of Grace
The Birth of the New World - Words of Our Lady

June 19, 2009 - Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

This beautiful morning the Lord comes to nourish you with His Holy Word, to have Eternal Life.

The Word
of God is mercy that pours into the world to support it to stand for all eternity. So guard your hearts into everything that It reveals to you and live every day of your life on earth, according to the teachings that It gives you.
So it is with great joy that I have come to be with you to bring the message that God sent you to free you from sin.

My children, listen carefully to the message I bring you today, stay alert, lift up your hearts to God for not to weep in the future, when you recognize that God was calling you to a change in behavior and you have understood late.

Most are in this danger, making themselves the deaf, the dumb, the blind and lame, not valuing the love of God because are not obeying Him, not loving Him truly how it should be.

You are near the biggest change in the world and you are not ready, you lack in confidence in God, hope, faith and practice of charity.

The world is very big into disaffection.

You have to grow spiritually and to understand the language of God, He gives you the Holy Spirit, but you are not valuing.

Remember that you are now on the threshold of a major disaster, there are many tragedies on a daily basis and you do not know the time.

Repent, repent, do not let to convert to the last minute, the danger of despair can achieve you.
Dear and beloved children of My Immaculate Heart, I bless you in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, who guides leading you forever with His Light.

I am the Servant of the Lord, Mary, the Mother of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world, the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.

I am the Immaculate Conception of Mary, I am the Messenger of God and in the message today He thanks you for the time of prayer and warns you:

"My children, I'm warning you for so long and you are insisting on disobedience to Me, You are not valuing My Love, My Mercy for you.

My Mercy and My Love that is pouring to the world offering you help, rescue, shelter and sustenance for your life. I offer you a safe abode, where not enter the attacker to thwart you.

The time is still calm, but days will come when you desire to death for yourself, for not to see what ye will see. You will not be able to flee to nowhere. In those days you will remember that My Mercy knocked on the door of your hearts, and ye did not want to open, because pride does not allow it.

I'm still beating, I am a beggar looking for love in you, I try to get in you to enrich you with love, peace and true justice. But you still do not recognize Me, because I am poor of the world's wealth, but I'm Rich of eternal Wealth. To you it does not mean anything. To you I am nothing.

But you shall remember this beggar who knocked on your door, asking only for a little love, a little bit of your attention
, and then will see a bright light that you can not understand until It proves to be before you, depending on your request of forgiveness.

I am your God, your Creator, soon to forgive you.

To those repented I will give the Heaven and to the idolaters of sin, evil worshipers, only left them, the fire of hell.

Believe My children, believe that ye can not escape My decision about your sins. Repent of them while I'm still going door to door calling you and asking you: give Me a bit of attention, a little love for that I give you eternal happiness.

I love you with Eternal Love, It is a love that does not undergo changes.
I am what I am, I am God."

Dear children, let's think together the words of God our Eternal Father, the Almighty, who now once again is warning saying that He is knocking on the door of your heart calling you to convert most urgently.

God is compared with a beggar who has nothing and begs asking for food, asking for clothing, an alms.

But God has everything in abundance, does need anything, He knocks you to give, you are empty of His Love, His Light and you are not going to Him to ask, to ask with your request for forgiveness.

Your time on earth is a time of much dependence, because you are sinners, it is time to learn to let go of sin and love God truly. Remember that God made the world out of nothing, you ought to let go of everything to stand on to Him, God. He is the Almighty, He maintains His creation with love, but He gave you freedom of choice, not forcing you to anything and you did not know to understand what freedom is, He is giving you so many signs in the world, to come unto Him with greater urgency to have greater knowledge.

When God gave you freedom, does not mean that you can sin, but to live in purity for you not to become slaves of sin. Sin is slavery, is death and you yourselves hold on to sin, enslave falling into addiction and felt good to be a sinner. Now you must ask God for forgiveness, forgiveness frees you from death.

Without the acceptance of God you will not survive.

He who accepts the determination of God, re-emerged, beginning a new era, is fed by hope, confidence in God's Love.

Ye are now living the day dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, you must ask Him to come into your heart and transform your life, that permeates your whole being.

This Heart that once was opened by a lance on the Cross, as He died to free you from death, give you Eternal Life. From Him flowed blood that saves you and water that purifies you, to give you true freedom, the Sanctity.
You must remember that Jesus Christ is your liberation is He who has the authority to end this time of sin.

Very soon He will deliver you the latest penalties that are still holding you to the ground. He is the Judge who is to judge your work and give the verdict on the last day, the Final Judgment.
Meditate on your situation, it is still time to correct, to repair the harm to This Most Sacred Heart, rich in Mercy, Fountain of Life for all mankind. Try and understand that from this Holy Heart gushed forgiveness and forgiveness is life, you must get it every day overcoming the temptations, so that your bodies to come forth to Eternal Life.

I pray for you, "Heart of Jesus, center of all hearts, have mercy on My children, come help them, come save them." This is the request I make to My Divine Son for you, I am your Heavenly Mother.

And ye shall also pray like this:

"Heart of Jesus, forgive us, were our sins that hurt you that day so painful that you were crucified and forgive us, grant peace to our conscience so we can have the acceptance of Your Will."

So My children, you ought to act quickly, because the world is at the door of the most terrible disasters and you have not understood that Jesus Christ is Who saves you from death. All sin is death and forgiveness is life. If you want to live seek forgiveness from God.

Without forgiveness, the Gates of Heaven are not open to the sinner. You must ask Him for forgiveness to enter in Heaven. Freedom is purity, all are unclean because of sin, all sin is unclean, and who purifies man is God alone.

This is what I come to warn you, be not saying that you are free because you are not, while you practice the sin, you are prisoners. Jesus comes to give you the freedom that He conquered for you by dying on the cross and arose three days later, beating the death.

He has saved you, but you still must win the final day, the day of the Final Judgment, coming before Jesus, willing to ask for His forgiveness of all your mistakes and bringing in your hands the things you did on earth.

The last day is near for all people, but your conscience is still very heavy, observe your faults, sins, all your offenses done to God.

I'm here to help you, I can not take away your sins, only Jesus Christ can put them out of your hearts, but I'm always reminding you that you are still sinners and need to stop sinning, once and for all.

Jesus Christ promised the world before His Return, the Holy Spirit to purify all Christians. He will educate the world about the Truth and about sin. Blessed are those who are preparing to receive Him. He will fill you with wisdom and you no longer doubt the existence of God.

Awake and repent, the day that the Holy Spirit will descend visibly on the world is near.

Pray, pray, pray for the Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI, for all the clergy, the religious men and women, for all mankind.

Pray for the atheists and pagans, be persevering in charity, the little with God is much, paganism and atheism are increasing, but the little prayer has Force received from God to rescue them with prayers, be patient.

Pray for the Holy Church founded by Jesus Christ, the Church will suffer persecution, but waits in God, will be victorious.

Help the Holy Father in this time that will have to call the flock back home because the night is coming and everyone must be indoors to be guarded.

The language of God is not difficult to understand, because He gives the Holy Spirit, man is the one who makes the blind eye. Who is paying attention does not play the dumb and not expose themselves to danger. The pursuers are acting and a safe place to protect is the Holy Church of Jesus Christ. Come to Her with urgency.

I love you too much, I cover you with My Mantle of Love, especially Brazilians, stand firm in faith, hope, trust in the Presence of God with you every second of your life, do not despair and do charity with the willingness to soften your faults.

Love one another, all people, so learn to truly love to God. Be meek and humble, Walk hand in hand. Be fraternal with each other.

Now I ask the Holy Eucharist with fidelity to God.

I bless you in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, the Mother of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world,

Mary, the Immaculate Conception.

Thanks for responding the call of God, be not indifferent to the Call He makes for your conversion to happen more urgency. Hurry up, ye know not what is coming.

Now I offer My Immaculate Heart as a refuge in time of punishment that is coming for the sin, a great punishment is approaching, take care of your souls.

With all care and love of the Mother I wish you peace and take your requests to God.

The Peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you now and forever. The Peace Amen.

Peace! Peace! Peace! Amen, Amen, Amen.
Blessed be God, Blessed be His Holy Name.