Message of Our Lady - Mary, Full of Grace
The Advent of the New World - Words of Our Lady
October 16, 2011
Dear children, today, the day of the Lord, with love and affection I come to bless you in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
United to the Holy Trinity, together we will seek the real peace for the world.
My children, My little children, come all to listen the warnings of Heaven, you need you hear with the ears of the spirit, you must believe what I reveal, because you are in great danger and God sent Me to help you.
You valorize more your flesh than your spirit, only believe seeing with the eyes of the flesh and listening with her ears.
Poor children! How can you hear God speaking? God speaks to you in spirit. Truly, I say, you have a faith very tiny and needs to increase.
Comes there now, the beginning of a time that is being announced by the prophets of God, those called to serve as announcers of the Kingdom of true love, that will arrive very shortly.
Listen My children, this is the last opportunity God is giving you. He is warning the world to be in alert, to valorize the spiritual life, because your protection comes spiritually and you need to learn now because God is teaching you. You will see God with the eyes of the flesh after your Resurrection, because He will transform your materials bodies in glorious bodies, but now you can only hear and see with spiritual eyes, this only happens if you have faith, that's why I'm in the world teaching and helping you to develop faith in your hearts. If you do this well, you can now see and hear Him on earth.
Faith will give you the assurance of your decision, flee from the traps that the devil sets before you.
With faith you will stay in state of grace and you will know to hear God guiding you in the midst of dangers.
Today the world still rejecting Me and even they think that I do not exist, so I cannot be appearing and speaking what the world needs to hear to survive. I cannot be talking about each other, talking messages, curing diseases in the Name of Jesus Christ because I am nothing. But, truly, I say, God will show the world that still do not know, you can record it in your hearts. I am your Heavenly Mother, I am the Mother that God the Father chose to be the Mother of His Divine Son Jesus Christ. The world cannot change the will of God.
I am Mother of all humanity and warn you because humanity is not an object, not a product of industry, it was created by God and He gave her a Mother on earth and one in Heaven that I am.
I'm not Mother of a single person, but I am the Mother of all at the same time. I am the servant of God. For Me is a great joy to be your Mother, although each one has its faults, I have hope that one day He, God, cleanses you, gives you the perfection.
The whole Heaven is preparing to receive you, it will be a victory not only Mine, to receive you all in My arms, but it is yours too, recognize that you were released from all your differences to each other, poverty, disease, race, ages, abilities, wealth, language and many things will not exist because God will give eternal life and you will live united, one people, one language and you will suffer no more with anything.
You're just steps away from having to go through very difficult time because you will be dismissed from all your goods.
God will give you to know His Kingdom of love, peace and true justice, but for that you must convert, you should let your hearts be open to God.
My children, hurry up, you must not leave the conversion for only when the prophecies are fulfilled.
The Holy Word of God leads you to meditate on what you should do with your lives, your lives belong to Him, not to the world. You are fed by the grace that God gives, He gives you everything and do not ask for anything in return, because He poured out in love that enriches you, not the wealth of slavery.
Give to God what is God, your life belongs to Him, He created you, He gave you a soul, one spirit, one body and this body is not given to you for your ruin, but it was given for your passage through the earth where you are to learn to walk in righteousness.
You must take better care of your body too, you must not let the devil make use of your body, bringing you distant from God. He leads you with His light and you have been preferring the darkness, walking according to the desires of your flesh, accepting the devil's domain.
Detach from the desires of the flesh and take care of your souls, because of the body many souls lose Heaven.
The best thing you have to do is look over everything that God gave you. You are prisoners of the Deadly Sins, you are attached to them, you must detach urgently.
You must get closer to God with obedience to the Ten Commandments, with the purity, fidelity, you must ask God to sanctify your lives.
Increase your faith, your recognition that you are taking many steps wrong and you need to walk uprightly much more now than ever before.
God will give you a safe place to be happy forever.
This is what I come to reveal for your conversion.
Pray, pray, pray for the Holy Father Pope Benedict the XVI, for all the clergy, for the religious men and women, for all the humanity.
Pray for the atheists and pagans, help them, poor children, they will suffer much because they do not know to pray, pray for help them.
Pray for the Holy Church founded by Jesus Christ, I have taught you a lot about prayer, is no longer necessary to keep repeating, you just need confidence to pray with more love, more responsibility.
The time of events arrived, be ready.
Help the Holy Father the Pope to seek more sheep to the Refuge.
My Immaculate Heart is the Refuge for repentant sinners of all their sins. Come all haste to take refuge, a huge tempest will befall on you, tempests of sufferings. Seek help in God.
I love you very much and I cover you with My Mantle of Love.
To the Brazilians I advise you, prepare yourselves to win, sadder and terrible things will surprise you, because you are not taking seriously the warnings of Heaven.
All nations, you are now entering the last time of your decision. You should turn to God with urgency, you cannot come back later, the destruction of the world will be shortly.
Remember, unfold your arms, seek help in God.
Now I bless you in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, the Mother of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world.
Mary, the Immaculate Conception.
You must meditate on today's Holy Gospel: Matthew 22: 15-21.