The Advent of the New World - Words of Our Lady
United to the Holy Trinity, together we will get the real Peace for the world.
My children, the Holy Word of God invites you to relive the time of the Passion and Death of My Divine Son Jesus Christ and His Resurrection, to free you from the bondage of sin.
It was with great suffering and death on the Cross that He has redeemed you from your sins. With much hope and faith now seek to better understand and repair your sins that is a gratitude for the Salvation.
So today we are already on the second day, following what happened.
I'm here to help you. The same was happening that sad week, painful but that ended with the celebration of the Holy Easter. It was the second and sixth day of the week before the Easter of Jesus Christ.
He went to see Lazarus, whom Jesus Christ rose from the dead, He was received with affection and while Martha served as the sister of Lazarus, Mary was also the sister of Lazarus, as you heard today in the Holy Gospel, anointed Jesus' feet with perfume too expensive, was of pure nard and then wiped them with her hair. The smell spread throughout the house and being there the one who would betray Jesus Christ, Judas Iscariot, with all his malice, has made complaints to Mary for Jesus Christ to be spending something so expensive and advised her to save the perfume for sale for three hundred silver coins, to distribute them to the poor.
See My children, how He gave value to material things. Sell Jesus for 30 pieces of silver and the perfume would sell it for 300 coins, Jesus Christ, for he was of small value.
He was a thief and only cared about having more, he actually did not care about the poor, have only worried about what more could steal.
There too many Jews came because they heard that Jesus Christ was in the house of Lazarus, they wanted to see them. They also prepared to defeat Jesus Christ and they also thought to kill Lazarus because of the miracle of his resurrection many people who were always with them, the Jews, left them to follow Jesus Christ, also blamed Lazarus that now was always observed for those who witnessed his resurrection.
My children every day God is calling all humanity to stop and listen to His call, because the moment of the world is very serious, heavy rains fall and cause major disruptions in many countries especially in Brazil. Several regions will be affected in the countries. You must prepare with great faith, prayers and acceptance.
God now warns children not to get caught by the terrible things that prevent them from appreciating His help to all.
Sin is what impedes the man to be good, be pure, be grateful.
You could observe all the avarice of Judas Iscariot, who had the habit of stealing, he was also a greedy traitor, had no fear of God, or even not wanted to be good or right because that way he would only be poor.
Judas pretended to be a friend of Jesus Christ, because he wanted to take advantage of the situation since he felt that He was the promised Messiah by God the Father to reign over all that He created. So Judas was cunning, calculated everything and saw that the king would fall. So he discovered with his thought that kings wanted to end up with the One who was a threat to them.
So he was ahead with his plans and followed Jesus Christ not to lose sight of Him. He would sell Him anyway. But for him, 30 pieces of silver would pay his work.
And he was so cunning that made friendship with Jesus Christ thinking that this way He does not realize that Judas was plotting against Him. Judas was a man who used excuses to cover up his mistakes.
But Jesus Christ did not reject him, still accepted him because he knew all about him.
But Jesus gave him the opportunity to convert better and made this till the final hour and Judas stepped on it because he was materialistic, did not cultivate within his heart the love of life.
My children, the betrayal is still today in the world, how many are against God, how much cruelty happens every day in the world, because the man turned from God and do not worry that outside of Him, God, there is no life.
Then you are called in this latter time to wake up and it is time to convert because is time of much suffering and only God can help you.
How many atrocities are happening in the world. How many children are in prisons because they committed errors and when they leave there will again commit the same things. Addiction is a terrible sin as any other, but there are people who fight and get rid of their sins and not commit them anymore. They are the ones who decide for holiness, purity, they fight to win, they always stay most of their time in devoting their lives to God. Renounce temptations.
This week is an opportune time for the world to improve.
Even if this message reaches you after the Holy Week, you would have certainly not doubt, that if plant within your hearts the advices that are here, you overtake the Grace of improving your hearts.
Be meek and humble of heart, you must not even think to deceive God, because He knows what goes on inside each of you and you do not have the way to deceive Him.
Who does not improve, will not stand during the trials. They are already there, I told you that after the carnival would come a great suffering, but God gave you one more time and now it will begin. Stay alert, many storms.
You better change your behavior, because then you will endure the hour of chastisement for the world. Who does not convert, will suffer bitterly.
Prepare yourselves, the suffering are coming is just for God to give the order to the Angels and the bowls will be poured out upon the world.
Pray, pray, pray for the Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI, for all the Clergy, for all religious men and women, for all mankind.
Pray for the atheists and pagans, your prayers can help them, do not stay indifferent thinking they are already lost. While you are on earth, you can pray to help save the world. Be faithful to God until the end.
Pray for the Holy Church founded by Jesus Christ, unity now much more than ever, this is the final walk to all mankind. It is not the end of the world, but is the end of evil in the world. The man will cease to do evil.
The world is undergoing for a big change.
Help the Holy Father to prepare humanity for this big event, the coming of the Holy Spirit upon all mankind. Amend your hearts, detach from material things and come close to God. Only He can give everything you need. God wants to give you Eternal Happiness.
I love you very much and cover you with My Mantle of Love.
This walk on these days is to strengthen you and so you will succeed, you will overcome fear and prepare to be confident that are not alone, God is with you.
He did not abandon Judas until the time of Judas death, Judas was who despised God and lost the last opportunity he received. God is faithful, He helps the sinner to the end and the end is for the man to say he recognizes that is dependent on the love of God to merit life in Him.
Have eternal life in God is also to have Eternal Life in Hell, the difference is that man who lives in hell only will suffer eternally, no more union with God.
When God raise the dead, will resurrect even those who go to Hell. It is not separate body from the soul to suffer in hell, there will be your body and soul together, the death of anyone who goes to hell, the second death is the separation of God's Grace. The man will never have peace or happiness.
Now I bless you in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, the Mother of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world,
Mary, the Immaculate Conception.
You must meditate the Holy Gospel today: Jo.12: 1 - 11.