The Advent of the New World - Words of Our Lady
United to the Holy Trinity, together we will get the real peace for the world.
My children, the Holy Word of God warns you today how important for the man is to obey God. You have heard about the ambition that leads man to penetrate into the temple of God to make trade and you understood that He does not like being disrespected. Everyone must obey Him and not offend Him.
The House of God is a place of prayer, peace and of full respect. The teaching today is very important at this time when human beings are increasingly worshiping material things and losing respect for God. It is necessary to say stop to these people that still doing business within the churches and show their disrespect for God. It is necessary to remember to every person who acts that way, that the House of God is a Church, is not the place to sell anything, but to pay due respect to God. Not religious objects to be sold within the House of God.
God has given you the day of rest and on this day you must attend the House of God to participate in the celebration of Mass, not to sell things as they did when Jesus Christ was in the world.
Jesus Christ became the Living Word and came to earth to teach respect, love, gratitude and above all, faithfulness to God. Today the world is putting hope in money and forgets that only God gives man what he needs.
The man needs Him for everything, God's grace fills your needs, you do not realize this because you are far from spiritual knowledge.
The work is necessary, but cannot be placed first in your lives, the first place is only for God.
God, that He only is for you Who occupies the first place every day of your lives.
So you must ask Him to give you the Holy Spirit, that ye may understand the teachings that you so much need, so do not commit injustices.
Today I warn you about your faith. Trust in the Promise of God.
My children Meditate on: " What will become of you if are unable to work and do not know how to get your food and the worst, if you had no faith in God? "
Only will win who has faith in God's Mercy.
God is who keeps your lives up. My children believe.
The riches of the earth are on earth, they do not fill your life, only God can fill your lives.
Those people who only think about owning, are always empty of God. So the children who seek to grow spiritually always have the grace of God. Do not lose hope or faith. Endure the suffering because they trust that God sustains them.
The world needs peace, tranquility, that only God has to give. Money does not buy peace, does not buy what is in God and all He has, He distributes the Grace.
The world is on the threshold of great suffering, to be stripped of all goods that have materially, but it can prevail only the spiritual wealth. It will be a terrible catastrophe, what man needs is reconciliation with God and with brothers. This time is the reconciliation of man with God, with nature and with himself, is time of great suffering.
In the world will happen a big transformation.
You will ask Me, when it will be the time of many changes my Mother? Verily I say unto you, do not worry when it will be, at all times you must rely on the help of God.
He has not left you without warnings, they were always for your preparation. You must listen to them and prepare to win and all you have to do is learn. You will learn with the blessings that God bestows upon you every moment. He does not leave you alone. He wants your Salvation.
You cannot hesitate, it's time to seek help from Him, faith is necessary.
You will pass heat, cold, hunger, thirst, and will be very sick, because of the scourge of war to come, but learn to draw strength from God.
The material is temporary, it will passes one day, it will not exist anymore, but man in his material part, the human body, will be transformed along with his spiritual part, he will live forever.
This transformation will be on the last day. You will be glorified by God all who repent until the hour of death.
The warnings are there, it is just the man to have faith and accept God's Will.
Improve My children, God wants you to be brothers, His family, you cannot continue cold, without love to give and you have not looked at each other, that all take care of their lives. See the union is a strength that God gives you, but you do not value it. Therefore you have to improve in your faith.
In this Holy Lent, meditate upon your behavior inside the House of God, only with your improvement will be able to relive those days, suffering with Jesus Christ and rising with Him on the third day.
We will prepare for Holy Easter. Your Easter is yet just a preparation for Final Easter. Jesus Christ had the Final Easter, He is your Savior.
Ye are still learning what is the Holy Easter, every year of your life on earth you’ll have this example in your forehead so you learn to grow in love for life.
This is what I come to reveal today for your conversion.
Pray, pray, pray for the Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI, for all the Clergy, for the religious men and women, for all mankind.
Pray for the atheists and pagans, help them, it is time to seek help those who are distant from God.
Pray for the Holy Church founded by Jesus Christ, unite, it's time for more unity, humility, simplicity, silence inside your hearts. The Holy Father is in great danger, stay alert, help him with more prayers.
I love you very much and cover you with My Mantle of Love.
Brazil, Brazil, prepare for your time, it is at the door, you will have much to pray for survival.
All nations, increase your prayers, many sad things will happen to you.
Now I bless you in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, the Mother of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world,
Mary, the Immaculate Conception.
You must meditate on the Holy Gospel today: Jo.2: 13 - 25.