The Advent of the New World - Words of Our Lady
Dear children, today, the day of the Lord, with much love and affection I come to bless you in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
United to the Holy Trinity, together we will find the real Peace for the world.
My children, hear the Call of God, time is getting shorter every day and you're not perceiving that He is calling you to conversion before it's too late.
A great danger threatens the world, were years and years of Warnings, because God is compassionate and merciful.
You need to take care of your souls, for you do not know how long you have to improve your points before God.
God loves you and wants to take you to the Promised Land, Paradise. Therefore you must always remember that you must obey the Commandments, grow spiritually, develop the faith, truly believe in God.
To believe is not enough for the man to say he believes, he should be an example of faith, hope and love to the world. Be an example of life and should not scandalize in front of anyone.
You are living in a time of so much bad and worst moments that are about to happen now, in this time of great tribulation. You will be shocked by the revelations and then going to say: "If I had known this before, I would have prayed more."
It is necessary that all of you Christians have faith, believe that God is guiding you, teaching what you need, to trust in what you are being warned.
Listen and change your heart, you see My children, will not be difficult for you if you have confidence in God's love for you.
If I'm with you is because you are constantly in danger. It was necessary that Heaven sends to you a stronger support. I am not praising Myself, but obeying the Will of God that made Me His Servant.
Being a Servant is to be that person who faithfully obeys the Will of the Father which has sent Me as a Messenger, who offers you all the teachings, the means to better prepare for the difficult times of the days ahead, so that you will be firm in God. I am in the world to pray with you.
I am not the Force Myself, I'm all dependent on God. Everything I bring comes from Him, nothing can come from Myself because I am the Servant of the Lord. He fills My life, so you must live the same way, to live in God and everything will be given. You just need to have a pure heart, meek and humble, that you may be wise, compassionate, that you may be honest, kind, fair, genuine, and that your hearts always practice charity.
Nothing can stop you to be obedient to the Commandments of God, but if you're still in disobedience is because you are doing this on your own and this will go to the balance on the day of Final Judgment. God wants you to be happy, if you lose Happiness is because you are throwing it out. Beware little children, meditate because you are falling into a trap.
Your days are harder, you're not meditating, you are not loving God as you must love Him because the one who loves the Lord hear what He speaks, plant within the heart what hears, sees the fruit, makes it grow, ready to be harvested. This will have Eternal Life.
My children, the Holy Word of God reveals to you today about the great wonders that Jesus performed in everywhere He went before returning to Heaven.
When He was in Nazareth, where He was born, did not want to perform the miracles He performed there wherever He went, but still made them for the good of those who so requested, pouring everywhere His Peace.
My children, do the same, try to be men of faith.
You are in danger, ask God to help you all.
When Jesus Christ was in the midst of His people, He did everything for the man to understand the Grace present, visible and palpable, many people of tender heart who were able to perceive Him who taught them, followed Him and received the benefits provided by Him. They admired Him, they knew that the wisdom was in Him, they came from Him, and so seek Him with hope to fill their hearts. They asked Him questions because they wanted to know Him better.
They wanted to know where that Holy Man sought so much knowledge to distribute it on themselves.
They also wanted to know how He did so many miracles.
Jesus Christ was for them a simple and poor Man, but brought great benefits to them. Many of them were possessed and did not welcome the teachings of Jesus Christ.
So My children, it still happens today, people who have a life materially supplied believe they do not need from God, think they have what is necessary, do not raise their thoughts to Heaven, but now everything is going to change, is the Power of God manifested, the world is being touched, is humbling itself and recognizing that it cannot continue defying the Creator. From newborns to the elderly, all raise their eyes to Heaven, for a time of great events is approaching, the time of the great battle between Heaven and earth. All this will suddenly appear and will bring a big change in your midst.
This is what I come to reveal today for your conversion.
Pray, pray, pray for the Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI, for all the Clergy, for the religious men and women, for all mankind.
Pray for the atheists and pagans, this is the time when they recognize that they need God's forgiveness.
I thank all the children who accepted My advice and I pray for their return to God. Thanks My children, in Heaven, you will receive the reward.
Everything you do well, in Heaven is your reward.
Pray, pray for the Holy Church founded by Jesus Christ, you still have time to fulfill your duty of Christians before you leave this earth world, pray for the Holy Church until what will be purified be sanctified.
There are many who are far from God, with your prayers some have returned, others are planning to return and others have not decided.
Prayer converts, maintains the spirit, gives Light, beauty, gives health to the body, healing the sick, the addicted, does something great among you, because prayer is the way to grow toward the Heaven. Fill the man with hope, faith and charity. Prayer brings peace to your hearts, so those who pray feel strong and not give up their ideals. Without discouragement fight against what is wrong and are always building a time of meditation on the importance of loving God and loving life they have received from Him. Some people pray everywhere, in churches, in the streets with their rosaries seeking God's help. Now comes the answer of your efforts, even though the world has to go through the suffering, everything must happen to arrive to the day of victory. The day to enter in the eternity.
The Holy Eternity is only for those who are converted.
Help to the Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI during this difficult time that he has to go through, but you will see the miracles of God and will thank Him for your life and you will love Him forever and for all eternity.
I love you very much and I cover you with My Mantle of Love.
A river of living Water and crystalline will descend from Heaven to cleanse the rot of the world, sin. You will have to be clean of any dirt that possess before entering eternity.
You Brazilians get ready, because you will be examples to the world, will suffer much, and much, but will not be alone, God have mercy on you and will give you a special Grace.
You will be compared, the most tolerant and stronger because you are waiting on God and He bestows upon those who waits on Him, strength, courage and elevates to the level of holiness
Brazil is the place chosen by God to please Him and be an example to all nations. So I say to all who pray, pray and trust in God's help.
I bless you in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, the Mother of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world,
Mary, the Immaculate Conception.
You must meditate on today's Holy Gospel: Mc. 6, 1 - 6.