
Darly Chagas is a devote Catholic, a woman of a deep prayer, from Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil.

She receives regularly messages from Virgin Mary, Immaculate Conception; and sometimes from God the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

Some messages are directed specifically to Brazil, while others are for the world as a whole. Words of the Immaculate Heart of Our Heavenly Mother to Her sons that need to learn how to prepare well for the events that are coming.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Message of Our Lady - Mary, Full of Grace
The Birth of the New World - Words of Our Lady

January 11, 2009 - The Baptism of Jesus

Dear children, today, the day of the Lord, with much love and affection I bless you in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
United to the Trinity, together we will get the real peace in the world.

My children, My little children, the Holy Word of God reveals you today the day that Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist in the Jordan River. John the Baptist, anointed of God, was the predecessor of the Coming of the Promised Messiah by the Father
for the salvation of all sinners repented of their sins.

John the Baptist preached baptism for the purification of mankind, he baptized with water all that sought to be baptized and he, John, announced the arrival of the one who then will baptize with the Holy Spirit.

John the Baptist did not try to look like better, he said to his followers that the one who would baptize with the Spirit, he, John, was not worthy to untie his sandals.
At the time that John the Baptist was baptizing Jesus Christ, there was a bang and the sky opened up and John saw descending from Heaven the Holy Spirit as a dove on Jesus and he heard a voice that said: "Thou art My beloved Son, on you I put My well. " (Marcus 1, 7-11)

So My children, the Father was with the Son and the Holy Spirit was also and, at that time began the mission of Jesus Christ.
My little children, then Jesus came for the salvation of sinners. Jesus never sinned, but took the sins of the world that is why he needed to be baptized.

John the Baptist was born 6 months before Jesus, but until the day that he baptized him, did not know him, but knew that he was already in the world. John the Baptist was waiting the time that would meet the Messiah. He was preparing the approach of all to Jesus one day, and only Jesus could baptizes them with the Holy Spirit.

The Baptism is for purification of body and soul. The body is temple of God, must be pure, holy, therefore all children of God need to be baptized.
The world has received the Salvation, but they did not really want to embrace it. Jesus Christ continues his plan of salvation, because he knows the time when those who want eternal life will answer yes to the Lord.

Today you are called, today, on this day so beautiful, so important for you My children, you are required to renew the promises of your baptism, because you are forgetting them,
you are away from God because are not renouncing to sin.

The promises are of renounce, renounce to disobedience of the will of God. You must renounce the devil every day.
Today is a day to meditate about the soul that waits inside you who are still alive, knowing your destination.

The soul longs for God and do not expect to be throw into hell. The soul feels desire for liberation from sin from its owner, the body, which is united by the will of God.

The body is controlled by the heart that can be good or bad. Good when obeys God and is faithful, not away from the Love, learn and follow Jesus Christ and is evil when practice cruelties, atrocities, crimes, dishonor and practices all malice that exist.

Come children; renew your promises of fidelity to God, your commitment to obedience, with prudence, with hope, faith and practicing charity, especially with your souls.
In the Baptism you are children of God and in this union you shall serve Him leading all to the conversion.

Make conscious that God wants to save and that you to renounce to sin. Take care of your souls, stay away from the sin, renounce to it, renounce to it.
Everyone must take care of the soul,
it suffers when a person suffers, the body will also suffer more.
The soul is dependent on man's decision to give the yes to God. When the person does not want God, he ruins with its own life and his soul cries because knows that will suffer greatly if fall into hell.

The man who commit evil, when it badly, commits atrocities, cruelties, crimes, he is not doing well to his soul and neither to his body. The danger comes immediately.

My children remember, the consolation for your souls comes from Heaven, are the Graces in time of reparation.
The time that God gives you for decision is the time of Grace, is this time that you are living and this is an extra time. Everything could have passed for the trial already, but God has compassion on you and is giving opportunities and they are coming to an end.

He wants everyone to be happy, therefore, He gave you the Sacraments, but you are not living inside of them.

I warn you, the danger is approaching, take care of your lives in front of God.

My children, shortly the Holy Spirit will come to the world. You shall be baptized with the Holy Fire. The Holy Spirit will strengthen you, you will understand the Will of God on you, do not hesitate anymore, do not to be indifferent, do not ask for any sign of God because your mind will receive the Light of the Holy Spirit.

That day, the day of Divine Grace, when it gets on you, will be a day of joy for some and a day of sadness for those not converted.

Joy for those who decided for God and took care of their souls converting day by day with hope in the Salvation. Day of sadness for those who did not take care of their souls, despised the grace of God and fell in late repentance. No more can ease their suffering. Will suffer more than they can imagine.

My children, it is approaching to the world the time of Purification. It is necessary that all be prepared. Be obedient to God, remember that this is the last step for man to overcome the temptations. You did not try harder to beat them as you should, you left the Commandments into the past as if they were things old-fashioned.

The Law of God is to be obeyed by all human beings. You are also neglecting the Sacraments. Your hearts are full of useless things.
My children, empty yourselves, be filled with God, prepare, let the Holy Spirit give you His light to illuminate your lives.

Be pure, transparent, be kind, meek and humble of heart. Come unto the Sacraments, stay in a state of Grace, renew your promises that you did on the day of your baptism, the day you were confirmed.
God warns the end of this time of your disobedience to Him, so that you will not fall into hell.

Put order in your hearts, because that day when the Purification comes, you will want to straighten your lives and will not have more time, you will see the world in great distress. It will be painful.

It is approaching to the world terrible things!
This is what I warn you this time, it is very close the coming of the Lord, be straightened, convert while there is still time for conversion.
My children, hear the call that God makes you.
Pray, pray, pray for the Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI, for all the Clergy, the religious men and women, for all the humanity.

Pray for the atheists and pagans, help them praying for their conversion, the time is ending.
Pray for the Holy Church founded by Jesus Christ, unite ever more, you are the children of God, you are the Church, and you shall remain faithful to your commitment of Christians, be steadfast in your faith, hope and charity.
You will be persecuted, but you will conquer, you will even think that God does not exist because will see so much persecution of the Church. But He is there and will give you the Holy Spirit, Trust in His love for you. The Church of Christ is the one that will prevail forever.

The Holy Father the Pope is the sign that God marked His Church. Pray each day more to help him.
I love you very much and cover you with My Mantle of Love. I ask you all Brazilians to pray much, many sufferings are coming to Brazil and to the world.

Pray also for Israel and Palestine, for all the countries, the fire will descend; God calls you to live now in Peace among all peoples.
It is close the arrival of the Kingdom of true Love, of happiness, the eternal happiness, the real Justice. It is coming the hour,
Jesus Christ rose from the dead, to give us eternal life, He overcame death for you to be free from the slavery of sin.

When the time comes the whole world will know.
Now I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, the Mother of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world,

Mary, the Immaculate Conception.